Saturday, December 28, 2019

Film Analysis on Freedom Writers - 2290 Words

Film Analysis Essay on Freedom Writers Main Credits Title: Freedom Writers Director: Richard LaGravenese Scriptwriter: Richard LaGravenese Adapted from: The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell Actors/Main characters: Hilary Swank-Erin Gruwell, Patrick Dempsey-Scott Casey, Scott Glenn-Steve Gruwell, Imelda Staunton-Margaret Campbell, April L. Hernandez-Eva Benitez, Jaclyn Ngan-Sindy, Jason Finn-Marcus, John Benjamin Hickey- Brian Gelsord, Plot Summary The movie â€Å"Freedom Writers† is based on a true story. Hilary Swank as Erin Gruwell plays an inspirational teacher at Wilson High School. Her class consists of different races and groups--African Americans, Latinos, Asians, gang members, and underprivileged students from poor neighborhoods.†¦show more content†¦At first it seems impossible and that’s where the resolution stage comes. Erin Gruwell was given permission to continue teaching them and the relationship between students, their racial differences and backgrounds came together and in conclusion we can see how everything progressed and was resolved. From conclusion we learn that we have to go after what we believe in. Commentary on the key characters and actors who portrayed them Most of the time movies about school have certain types of characters such as Master Teacher, Fuddy Duddy, Troopers and students so is this movie. All of those characters played a significant role in order to portray the story effectively. A lot depended on the actors as well and their ability to be adapted to the characters they were assigned to play. Hilary Swank plays Erin Gruwell, the Master teacher who demonstrates excellence and enthusiasm inside and outside of the classroom and aims for the better in order to educate the students. She tried to make everyone lives easier, but that is impossible. However, she achieved what she believed in because of her spirit and technique. She learned that sometime you have to make sacrifices and sometimes people will get hurt, but it is all for the best. Therefore, she is a round character; we see her transformation from a shy and unsure of her abilities to woman who fights for wh at she believes in. Concerning Hilary Swank as an actor portraying Erin, she adapted veryShow MoreRelatedFreedom Writers By Jung Ah Choi1010 Words   |  5 Pagesappropriate and efficient it has to relate in some way with the individual learner and how the individual demonstrates their learning process. â€Å"Reading Educational Philosophies in Freedom Writers† by Jung-Ah Choi, breaks down the different methods of teaching through the film Freedom Writers. Freedom Writers is a film based on a true story about a young teacher, Erin Gruwell, who faces racial barriers at an integrated high school in Long Beach California. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on Causes and Effects of the French Revolution

Revolution? The major cause of the French Revolution was the disputes between the different types of social classes in French society. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of the most important events in the history of the world. The Revolution led to many changes in France, which at the time of the Revolution, was the most powerful state in Europe. The Revolution led to the development of new political forces such as democracy and nationalism. It questioned the authority of kings, priests, and nobles. The Revolution also gave new meanings and new ideas to the political ideas of the people.brbrThe French Revolution was spread over the ten year period between 1789 and 1799. The primary cause of the revolution was the disputes over†¦show more content†¦However, there was another important factor during these times. France suffered from harsh economic problems. Poor farm harvests by farmers hurt the economy, and trade rules from the Middle Ages still survived, making trad e difficult. However, the most serious problem was the problem facing the government during this time. The French government borrowed much money to pay for the wars of Louis XIV. Louis still borrowed money to fight wars and to keep French power alive in Europe. These costs greatly increased the national debt, which was, at the time, already too high.brbrWhen King Louis XVI came into power, he realized that these problems existed. At first he did not know what to do, until he found a man by the name of Robert Turgot. He eased the financial crisis of France, but he had difficulties when he tried to introduce a major reform, that of taxing the nobles. He had such difficulties because the king could not tax the nobles unless the Parliament approved of the new tax laws. The people in the courts that voted on these laws were the nobles, called nobles of the robe, and therefore rejected Turgots reform. After Turgot was rejected, the king fired him from his office. This led Louis XVI to sum mon the Estates General in 1789. The Estates General was the place where representatives from each social class could be represented. Here, many issues would be discussed, and at this time inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Causes and Effects of The French Revolution1402 Words   |  6 PagesThe French Revolution was a time of great social, political and economic tumult in the closing years of the Eighteenth Century. The motivators pushing French citizenry toward revolution are varied in scope and origin. They range from immediate economic woes to an antiquarian class structure. Modern historians still debate the value of the changes that the revolution brought to modern society. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Efficiency of Static Mixers in Process-Free-Samples for Students

Question: What is the effect of using crude mixers in gas oil separation plant GOSP, especially static mixers are used in GOSPs widely in order to gain more separation in the process inside the plant. Answer: Introduction Static mixers are accurate designed gadgets specified for ceaseless blending of liquid materials or gases. Typically the liquids to be blended are normally fluids, however static blenders or mixers can further be used or utilized in blending of gas streams, scattering of gases into miscible fluids or mix immiscible fluids. Different types of static mixes have different types of structure . There are a few kinds of static mixers to choose from depending upon the specific application. A portion of the more ordinary outlines comprises of plates, confuses, helical components or geometric lattices situated at exact points to coordinate stream and increment turbulence. Others are made out of discrete courses or portions that stack together to frame a total blender. Shapes likewise differ - regular static blenders have a round cross-area however different shapes are moreover accessible (square, rectangular, and so forth.) for particular necessities. Static mixers. A static mixer or unmoving blender is a gadget embedded into a lodging or pipeline with the target of controlling liquid streams to isolate, recombine, quicken/decelerate, spread, whirl or shape layers as they go through the blender. Because of these adjustments in the liquid stream, blend segments are brought into suggest contact. Static mixers are along these lines used not just for entirely blending prerequisites yet in addition response forms. Streams in discharge pipe creates some level of continuous mixing yet they are large, satisfactory mixing must be accomplished by an unfeasible length of pipe. Embeddings a static mixer essentially quickens inline response. This procedure is basically alluring wherever it is constant, modest and quick activity is required. Since there are no moving parts in the still mixer, it is fundamentally maintenance free and can be termed as effectively as any bit of pipe. Vitality for blending is accessible as weight. Regardless of whether material i s gravity-sustained or constrained through the blender utilizing outer pumps, weight misfortune is one outcome of static blending and is once in a while the constraining element in blender determination.There are many types of static mixtures the following is brief description of the some of the static mixers. Westfalls high shear static mixer This has a thin profile which permits basic drop-in establishment in pipelines from 2 to 120. Interchange vortex shedding makes elite blending inside a restricted space. This is a full pipe unmoving blender into which up to six added substances can be infused all the while or in particularly planned stages. High shear mixing additionally makes small scale rise from viable expulsion of salt. Where space is constrained, this moderate static mixer is perfect for city and local foundation redesigns. It is accessible with an extensive variety of infusion ports and plumes, and a decision of 3 opening sizes. The blender opposes fouling and expects next to zero support. Ross LPD and LLPD Static Mixer A LPD Static Mixer comprises of a progression of semi-circular plates discriminately situated in arrangement. Two plates opposite to each other make up a solitary component. The blending task in this kind of static mixer is in view of the part and occupying of the input stream(s). LPD vs. LLPD Design static Mixer At the point when the accessible weight drop is constrained, a LPD blender with a bigger distance across than the process channeling can be chosen. The bigger blender lodging is embedded into the current line utilizing suitable connectors. Another alternative is to utilize a somewhat unique style static blender. The LLPD comprises of semi-curved plates like the LPD plan, yet the plates are 120 degrees with respect to each other rather than 90 degrees. Length to distance across proportion increments from 1.5 to 1.75, and weight drop is diminished by a factor of 0.46.Hence the two static mixers have different characteritsics. Beneficial in terms of static mixer opex and capex , Capex refers to an expense that a business incur for it to create benefits in future while apex is the day to day charges that business incurs for smooth running. Efficiency of Static mixers in process The efficiency is attained through the following ways. Chemineer offers the Kenics HEV high-proficiency static blender. The HEV gives weight misfortunes up to 75% lower than other regular static mixer, and can deal with any turbulent stream blending process paying little mind to size or shape. Blending is refined by controlled vortex structures created by the protected low-profile tab geometry, giving uniform mixing while at the same time restricting blender length to under 1-1/2 pipe breadths. Ordinary applications for example the HEV static blender incorporate all low-thickness fluid mixing procedures and gas-gas blending. The HEV are effortlessly arranged for non-round cross segments, giving effective added substance mixing in places not appropriate for customary static blenders. It is particularly reasonable for gas stage forms where weight misfortune and length are basic. Experimented plan connections permit 100% ensured blending execution, notwithstanding with added substances in the PPM run. These blending standards result in an applications innovation that can be effectively duplicated and dependably scaled. Various autonomous examinations have been demonstrated that Kenics static mixers augment blending proficiency without the squandered vitality and material blockage regularly found in more prohibitive and unmoving static mixers. Additional HEV Static Mixer highlights include: Least weight drop accessible Boundless sizes and shapes Most limited conceivable blender length Simple retrofit to existing lines Accessibility in all metals and amalgams, FRP, PVC, PFA and epoxy-covered steel Limitations. The number of situations provides are always 2. Rotation of materials provided result in losing of the gradient temperatures. Fixed geometric sides provide fully flow of divisions. At succeeding static mixture is divided into two for exponential increase Conclusion The part of static mixers in present day assembling and manufacturing industries continue to be a critical one. Despite the fact that they are moderately reasonable apparatus, legitimate plan and determination of static mixers must not be underestimated to guarantee ideal execution, high operational proficiency and long haul valuable life. Joining forces with the providers with broaden experience and a decent reputation of assembling will lead into a dependable and well-made geared plans. References Thakur, R. K., Vial, C., Nigam, K. D. P., Nauman, E. B., Djelveh, G. (2009). Static mixers in the process industriesa review.Chemical Engineering Research and Design,81(7), 787-826. Ugwu, C., Ogbonna, J., Tanaka, H. (2010). Improvement of mass transfer characteristics and productivities of inclined tubular photobioreactors by installation of internal static mixers.Applied microbiology and biotechnology,58(5), 600-607. Rauline, D., Tanguy, P. A., Le Blvec, J. M., Bousquet, J. (2009). Numerical investigation of the performance of several static mixers.The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,76(3), 527-535. Rauline, D., Tanguy, P. A., Le Blvec, J. M., Bousquet, J. (2008). Numerical investigation of the performance of several static mixers.The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,76(3), 527-535. Chisti, Y., Kasper, M., Moo?Young, M. (2009). Mass transfer in external?loop airlift bioreactors using static mixers.The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,68(1), 45-50.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN: A PORTRAIT OF Essay SLAVERY IN AMERICAWord Count: 2066 WordsRights Offered: first North American serial rightsAt the surface, Mark Twains famed novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a thrilling narrative told by a 13?year?old boy who embarks on a perilous journey down the formidable Mississippi River aboard a tiny wooden raft. The storys sensationalism sometimes makes Hucks journey seem unbelievable. Underneath, however, lies an authentic portrait of the institution of slavery in America during the 1850s. Although born and raised in Missouri, Twain vehemently opposed slavery. He witnessed the inhumane treatment of blacks and openly criticized the barbaric institution of slavery. In an 1885 letter sent to Francis Wayland, dean of Yale University Law School, which was publicized in the New York Times, Twain sought reparations for former slaves: We have ground the manhood out of them, and the shame is ours, not theirs, and we should pay for it. Twain was an early pioneer in this movement as the debate over compensating former slaves continues to rage into the 21st Century. Much of Twains writing identifies him as a humorist. However, he reveals his pessimistic side as a satirist in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which was published 20 years after the Civil War. Through the innocence of Hucks narrative, Twain attacks slavery, racism, hypocrisy, and injustice during one of the most shameful and embarrassing periods in American history. We will write a custom essay on THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN: A PORTRAIT OF specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Several main characters throughout the novel epitomize typical slave owners and their attitudes toward the bondage of another human being. They are racists who portray the worst of what society has to offer. Twain frequently satires these characters and their treatment of slaves through the use of irony and ridiculing their paradoxical behavior and ostentatious lifestyles. Slaves had no control over their own destiny and were often sold several times throughout their life. This severed family bonds, causing disintegration of identity and culture among blacks. Huck lives among racists. Miss Watson, the sister of Hucks guardian, the Widow Douglas, is a slave owner. Miss Watson fosters the cruelty of a typical slave owner when she treats her slave Jim as a commodity rather than a human being. First, she tears Jim away from his family after buying him from a local farm. Later, Jims hope of reuniting with his family evaporates when Miss Watson sells him to a trader in the deep South. Upon learning his fate, Jim escapes to nearby Jackson Island on the Mississippi River and unites with Huck, who is also on the lam in a quest for freedom. Although milder than her sister, the Widow Douglas preaches a moral paradox. She dictates a strict moral doctrine by force?feeding Huck lessons in sivilized ways. Meanwhile, she fails to recognize the obvious inhumanity of slavery and goes along with the status quo. As Huck and Jim head into the deep South, they encounter people from all walks of life. The Grangerford and Shepherdson families represent the aristocrats. Twain portrays them as the best of what society has to offer in the slave states. Ironically, they are hate?loving, trigger?happy killers embroiled in an eternal feud against each other. Since both families are very wealthy, they own hundreds of slaves to work their sprawling plantations. Every member of the Grangerford familyeven the childrenhave their own personal slave to serve them in a demeaning, undignified manner. Buck Grangerford, whom Huck befriended, orders his slave to do menial tasks all day long. Although he gets his very own slave, Huck feels awkward having someone wait on him, so he takes care of himself. In an act of cold?hearted greed, Twain shows the typical breakup of a slave family. Con artists, the Duke and the King, pose as heirs to the deceased Peter Wilks and take charge of his estate. Just two days after the funeral, the Duke and the King send the family of slaves to opposite ends of the riverthe mother went to New Orleans while her two boys went to Memphis. They were sold separately, which was often the case among traders to achieve maximum profit. Some well?meaning, conforming white characters share a myopic view toward slavery due to a warped value system enveloping their society. Whenever a slave escaped, slave laws ordered their return to slavery. Sally and Silas Phelps, Tom Sawyers aunt and uncle, believe they are upholding their civic dutywhen they lock up Jim on their farm until his rightful owner can be found. Twain reveals how horribly slaves were treated on large plantations through the ignorance of Mary Jane Wilks, the daughter of the deceased George Wilks. Incre dibly, she believes that her slaves are happy and treated kindly. With sincerity, she tells Huck how her familys slaves are fortunate because they are given off every Sunday and holidays. On a deeper level, however, this demonstrates how poorly slaves were treated, even by the kindest of slave owners. If Mary Jane represents the best of slave owners, then it is easy to imagine the atrocities of cruel masters who whipped their slaves, forcing them to pick crops in the hot sun from dawn til dusk seven days a week. .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb , .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .postImageUrl , .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb , .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb:hover , .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb:visited , .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb:active { border:0!important; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb:active , .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u959f311583d9c6059440ce7cdbf01ddb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Invasion Of Privacy EssayAlthough in a juvenile, unintentional way, even the mischievous Tom Sawyer mistreats Jim. Despite being well aware that Miss Watson set Jim free in her will after she died, Tom has fun at Jims expense. Upon arriving at his uncles farm, Tom never reveals that Jim is a free man. Instead, in a letter sent to his aunt and uncle, he conjures up a story about a band of pirates coming to free Jim. Unfortunately for Jim, he languishes in slavery longer than necessary and narrowly escapes being killed during a botched rescue attempt.Twain demonstrates ignorance among whites in slave states through irony. In a conversation with Huck, Pap Finn tells how white s are superior to blacks while embarrassing himself: There was this free nigger from OhioThey said he was a pfessor in a college, and could talk all kinds of languages, and knowed everything. And that aint the wust. They said he could vote when he was at home. Pap Finn epitomes the backward thinking shared by many whites in slave states who believed that blacks were incapable of intelligence or the right to vote. Sadly, this attitude and denying blacks the right to vote and an education lingered for a hundred years after the Civil War in many southern states until the civil rights movement removed its Jim Crow laws. In addition to a cast of characters, Twain uncovers the cultural horrors embedded in 1850s Missouri and antebellum South. Incredibly, racism existed in religion, presumably the most sacred institution in any society. Although Christianity is the predominant religion in the Bible Belt, it is shown as an extension of racism and hate. Its service to all men is a moral conun drum. Although the church preached love thy neighbor and do to others as you would want done to you, it excluded blacks. Christianity in slave states emphasized duty to God rather than brotherhood for their black neighbors who are forced into slavery. Unlike Christians in the North, the majority of southern Christians during slavery failed to see the blatant injustice tainting their moral doctrine and stood by idly while another human being suffered. This contradictory moral doctrine is seen several times throughout the novel. The Widow Douglas and Miss Watson browbeat Huck with Christianity to civilize him. Ironically, Huck is more civilized than his adult counterparts because he sympathizes with the plight of slaves and helps Jim escape. In an almost surrealistic scene, the Shepherdons and Grangerfords bring their feud to church. Instead of praying, the families sit in pews glaring at each other with a shotgun in one hand and a Bible in the other. Twain accurately illustrates how the justice system worked for blacks in slave states before as well as for many decades after the Civil War; they were guilty until proven innocent. When Huck feigns his murder to escape from his abusive father, everyone assumes Jim was the killer, since he is also missing. If Jim was white, his absence would have been considered a coincidence. However, Jim was tried, convicted, and had a $300 bounty placed on his head without ever stepping inside a courtroom. The economy of slave states was predominantly agricultural. The backbone of the workforce, slaves provided plantation owners with free labor. Slaves often toiled all day long picking cotton, the most profitable crop. Although Jim served as Miss Watson s slave in Missouri, his life was better than other slaves who toiled on large plantations in the deep South. If he had not run away, it is likely Jim would have endured incredible hardships harvesting crops for a cruel master. One of the most noto rious themes repeated throughout the novel is the state of lawlessness in America. Twain paints a picture of anarchy with a blend of the Old West and antebellum South as Huck and Jim travel down the Mississippi River. There are the King and the Duke, who run a scam operation unopposed in every town they dock. In the whiskey?sodden town in Arkansas, Colonel Sherburn guns down drunken, old Boggs in broad daylight and goes unpunished. Then there are the Grangerford and Shepherdson families constantly feuding and annihilating each other, but no law enforcement agencies bother intervening. And finally there are people who take justice into their own hands, as evidenced by the Phelps family who arm themselves to confront Tom Sawyers pirates.Twain accurately uncovers the awful truth about the strongest laws of 1850s Missouri and the antebellum South as its cruel, immoral slave laws. First there was the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 that authorized the arrest and seizure of slaves fleeing Nort h. This law was loosely enforced and generally ignored by northerners. As opposition to slavery intensified and to force northerners to abide with slavery laws, southerners legislated for and passed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. These new laws mandated the return of runaway slaves regardless of where in the Union they might be situated at the time of their discovery or capture. This is the case when Jim escapes from Miss Watson. Readers may wonder why Huck and Jim head downriver instead of going directly to Illinois. It seems logical that once Jim steps inside northern territory, he becomes a free man. However, it was not that simple. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allowed bounty hunters to roam freely into northern territory in search of runaway slaves. Bounty hunters were sometimes indiscriminate and sent free blacks into slavery, which infuriated many northerners. Rather than venturing into territory where bounty hunters were likely combing the landscape for Jim, Huck aims sout h in search of Cairo, Illinois, a junction point on the underground railroad. It is here that Jim hopes to connect with abolitionists and head far into northern territory on the Ohio River. However, Jims hopes dim when Huck misses their destination in the dark night and the pair float downriver, hopelessly bound for the deep South. Bounty hunters found profit returning slaves to their owners. Inevitably, Huck and Jim encounter bounty hunters one night who are scanning the banks of Missouri and Illinois sides of the river for runaway slaves. Armed with shotguns, they demand to board Hucks raft and check for runaway slaves. Huck sends the bounty hunters away when he says that his family is on board afflicted with smallpox. If caught harboring Jim, Huck would have likely been imprisoned for failure to obey the fugitive slave laws. .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 , .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .postImageUrl , .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 , .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4:hover , .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4:visited , .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4:active { border:0!important; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4:active , .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4 .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8ecf65c742bda49e50085582f00762d4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Narritive Essay ExampleTwain shows how fugitive slave laws were enforced as Huck and Jim enter the deep South. In an act of betrayal, the Duke and the King sell Jim to the Phelps for $40 when their money runs out. Afterward, the Phelps comply with the law and search for Jims rightful owner. The novel ends on a happy note when Miss Watson sets Jim free in her will after she dies. However, it is conceivable that Jims freedom was short?lived. In 1857, the Dred Scott Decision upheld the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Born into slavery in Virginia, Dred Scott lived in the North as a free man for 11 years and later returned to slavery upon re?entering the South. The United States S upreme Court determined that slaves were personal property and could never be free. It is conceivable that Jim suffered the same fate as Dred Scott and returned to slavery despite Miss Watson s will. ReferencesMcpherson, James. Battle Cry of Freedom. Ballantine Books, 1988. Catton, Bruce, The Civil War: The Epic Struggle of the Blue and the Gray. American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc., 1960. Zwick, Jim, Mark Twains Reparations for Slavery., 1995.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Comparison Between Multilateralism and Regionalism in Terms of Efficiency Essay Sample free essay sample

Regionalism and bilateral trade understandings best embody the planetary trade dealingss in its modern-day signifier. In contrast multilateralism and free trade understandings ( FTA ) with a planetary attack constitute trade forms without any loss of public assistance and look to be still a futuristic desirous thought. However. the infant industry statement. cultural and societal influences of economic development and the historical background of Eastern and Southern states explain the reticent battle. Consequently the idealistic desire organizing a World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) . which would subvert protectionist boundary lines. was a false belief. Furthermore. the increasing sums of participants inhibit the decision-making power of the establishment and reveal that modern-day trade must be improved. By and large the struggle between the West and the ROW is based on agricultural goods every bit good as industrial merchandises and services in footings of trade ordinances. Will a r egional-based solution assist the environment to develop new economic trade and cut down its dependance and what does that mean for the ROW? Or will the liberalization and measure of trade be stunted? This assignment will look into the theory of inactive and dynamic effects. We will write a custom essay sample on A Comparison Between Multilateralism and Regionalism in Terms of Efficiency Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page what is meant by new regionalism and discourse the economic efficiency. while practical attacks of regionalism act as implicit in illustrations. The function of political relations within parts will be besides examined. 1. Why Multilateralism leads to Impasse The enormously diminishing development of planetary trade between the First and the Second World War forced industrialized counties to promote trade liberalization. With GATT’s initiation ( 1947 ) unilateralism and nondiscriminatory free trade became the universe order ( de Melo. Panagariya. 1992 ) . However these cardinal rules ( liberalization. nondiscrimination and reciprocality. Eibner. 2008 ) were ab initio established among 23 states. provokingly called the rich men’s nine ( figure 5 ) . Furthermore. this can be interpreted as a formal RTA among affluent states without regional propinquity. Rising battle of diversified states and the decrease of crystalline duties engendered the proliferation of unseeable NTBs aggressively. as a counterforce to liberalization. However the WTO is a democratic platform. in which each state has a ballot and enables emerging states to counter the logic of economic power provinces. On the other manus. the same characteristic hinders the decisionmaking procedure. Finally. the slow advancement of GATT and WTO requires a new solution for comprehensive many-sided trade understandings. It must be assumed that dialogues among several axiss are easier to pull off than among plentifulness of WTO participants. A critical treatment will equilibrate the pros and cons of regionalism and exemplify alternate waies. which would back up economic efficiency. 2. The Way to New Regionalism Dicken ( 2007 ) identifies four moving ridges of regionalism. In add-on to bilateral trade understandings in the 19th century ( e. g. German Zollverein ) every bit good as after the First World War in order to consolidate the imperiums. the formation of EEC ( 1958 ) was seen as an effectual disincentive to the Soviet Union and an opposing force against the rapid decolonization. Furthermore. giving LDCs in Latin America and Africa the chance to merchandise within a protected country through regional import permutation and so run into the planetary competition should hold been the solution for the baby industry motivation. but however this did non boom. New Regionalism. which symbolises the 4th moving ridge from 1980s onwards. occurred through the â€Å"drastically changed geopolitical fortunes of the prostration of the Soviet-led system and the increased uncertainnesss of a more disconnected political and economic situation† ( Dicken. 2007. p. 190 ) . Thus the modern-day signifier is established in a complex cross regional construction. The USA’s and Japan’s RTAs show the willingness and the economic mutualities of today’s new regionalism in order to consolidate political every bit good as economic reforms and to intercede trade differences in the many-sided model ( Dicken. 2007 ) . As Bhagwati assumes: â€Å"this clip regionalism is here to remain. † and it engulfs all major economic systems in the universe ( de Melo. Panagariya. 1992 ) ( figure 7 ) . Besides the fact that regionalism evolved as an alternate motion for trade forms. it includes a diversified scope of participants and besides encourages bilaterality. The noodle bowl consequence expresses planetary trade dealingss in its present signifier ( figure 2 ) . Whenever parts sign extra bilateral trade understandings with spouse provinces. different ordinances and regulations of beginning occur. so that for the concern sector a comprehensive apprehension of trade policies becomes more hard and trade turning away might look. Hence. beliing forces within parts become evident and will be investigated through theoretical effects and practical attacks. This paper distinguishes between two major integrating factors. Tinbergen’s ( 1954 ) positive integrating factors are in peculiar the debut of common policies and edifice common establishments. refering largely a region’s internal involvements ( Nello. 2005 ) . Furthermore. Tinbergen’s negative integrating relates to merchandise barriers. particularly the external position demonstrates the national prejudice of parts. as Maduro claims ( Weiler. 2005 ) . 2. 1 Inactive Effectss ( explained in appendix ) The inactive effects are short-run impacts and compare the trade state of affairs before and after a RTA. Whereas Viner ( 1953 ) concentrated on the production side. Lipsey’s ( 1957 ) amplification besides involves the ingestion factor. which both formed the TC and TD factors ( Nello. 2005 ) and history for one to two per centum of Europe’s GDP ( Salvatore. 2007. p. 351 ) . The balance whether a part is more trade-creating or trade-diverting. determines the economic efficiency. depending on internal involvements and external trade policy. Therefore influencing factors are vitally of import. For case. when the preunion trade has ever been at a high degree. the hazard of TD is lower. The size of the part. degree of fight. propinquity and the grade of preunion barriers are extra factors which influence the efficiency public presentation in planetary footings. Furthermore bargaining strength. disposal nest eggs and an betterment of the corporate ToT will be realised ( Salva tore. 2007 ) . Hence regionalism might take to several advantages in comparing to multilateralism. e. g. the free rider job would be alleviated at the disbursal of trade with several LDCs. Concentrating on intra-regional trade in order to protect domestic markets increases TD and will exemplified by Europe’s CAP. Despite the fact that agribusiness has ever been a sector which is affected by governmental intercessions ( Nello. 2005 ) . this instance shows one time more that Western states frequently prise their ain economic involvements over normally established trade rules. In fact. agribusiness was during the period of Reconstruction economically. socially and politically of import. 1 However. lifting trade barriers in signifiers of EU’s subsidies and damagess resulted in immense surpluses2 of agricultural merchandises. Europe’s variable import levies adjust external duties to an equal degree of the high-established EU monetary values ( Salvatore. 2007 ) . and supply hereby a deformation of trade. 3 Besides the minimal guaranteed monetary values for husbandmans ( export refunds ) support excess production. In add-on to insulating foreign trade. the subsidized exports on the universe market antagonised farther agribusiness exporters. On the contrary CAP has basically changed chiefly through The Green Paper and Agenda 2000. and since the Uruguay Round most variable import levies are replaced by duties. 1958 agribusiness accounted for 20 % of labour force in EC 6 It is estimated that between 1973 and 1988 EC agricultural production rose by 2 % per twelvemonth. while ingestion rose by merely 0. 5 % each twelvemonth. Harmonizing to monetary values means that those husbandmans who produce more benefit most from the system. Between 1970 and 1990: 80 % of FOEGA support went to 20 % of husbandmans ( COM ( 91 ) 100 ) . resulted in income disparities. FOEGA warrant disbursements rose from 4. 5 bn ECU 1975. 11. 3 bn ’80. 31. 5 bn ’91. ( Nello. 2005. pp. 225 ) The agricultural demand snap is comparatively low and supply inelastic in short-term. enhanced welfare loss is the result ( appendix. inactive effects: TC A ; TD ) . Restitutions will be reduced by 21 % over 6 old ages Another illustration is the MFA ( 1974-2005 ) . which is a NTB that was established to protect the Western fabric industry through quotas and import limitations for textile-exporting states. peculiarly Turkey and East Asia. The 41 take parting states were thereby go againsting GATT basicss in many respects ( Eibner. 2008 ) . in order to protect national employment and trade ( figure 3. 4 ) . Thus the abolishment of the MFA was decided once more in the Uruguay Round. 2. 2 Dynamic Effectss On the contrary. dynamic effects are five times larger than inactive additions. impacting the whole economic system in long-run. Due to increased competition all manufacturers must be efficient ; otherwise they will be forced out of the incorporate market. Hence technological development and economic systems of graduated table are increasing as a consequence of the hypertrophied market size. In order to take full advantage of the economic premiss. foreign investings should be stimulated to construct subordinates. make employment in the brotherhood and support buying power. Nevertheless. an improved use of economic resources in order to function the enhanced production might remain an internal issue. amongst other things. The free motion of labor and services5 ( figure 6 ) shows on the one manus a deeper liberalization than multilateralism could accomplish ; nevertheless. on the other manus. this is an extra half-truth. Figure 1: Additions from the Single EU Market The employee assignment jurisprudence ( Deutsches Entsendegesetz ) demonstrates ethical concerns every bit good as protection of the moral liberty of the society ( Weiler. 2005 ) . but besides national involvements supporting domestic employment in service industries of low-wage work force. Working criterions like minimal rewards. wellness protection and demands for engaging employees help to protect the ain society. but are at the same clip a trade-diverting factor to a great extent. 1993: EU removed all staying limitations on the free motion of goods. services. resources 2. 3 Political Conditions Overall this illustration represents the important arbitration between internal involvements and economic efficiency in footings of the planetary public assistance. which is primary regulated through a union’s external trade policy. Hence existent planetary economic efficiency depends more on selfinterests of authorities functionaries. peculiarly their aspiration to cut down TD through ROWs trade engagement and investing stimulation. Regionalism enhances political stableness and is an effectual execution of reforms. but unluckily merely among economically powerful or possible member provinces. Whenever brotherhoods have an intricate choice procedure for new spouse provinces. the hazard for TD rises. Surely. ethical and moral concerns are significant for the conformity ; nevertheless national prejudices constitute exclusions in trade dealingss and might besides take to tensenesss. Maduro speaks of an over-representation of national involvements at the disbursal of out-of-state involvements ( Weiler. 2005 ) . which might exemplify the CAP illustration. For this ground. specifying appropriate regulative policies is influenced by several national intents and could strike the subjectiveness of the overall establishment. As Bourgeois assumes. â€Å"a version of the truth which. likely any other. has its roots in the premiss. methodological analysis. and values of the system within which it is articulated† ( Weiler. 2005 ) . Schule’s premise of the German Rhineland Capitalism that symbolises a consensus between market mechanisms on the one manus. and equilibrating involvements of assorted societal groups on the other manus. demonstrates that societal equity sometimes contradicts economic efficiency ( Dyczkowska. Dyczkowska. Kardasz. 2010 ) . Bhagwati fears both the â€Å"Our Market Is Large Enough† syndrome. whereby constituted brotherhoods hesi tate allowing new members in. and the â€Å"This Is Our Market† syndrome. in which anterooms work against competitory new entrants ( de Melo. Panagariya. 1992 ) . Thus a polarization of the universe by excepting little states is one major defense of regionalism. 3. Decision In malice of the fact that regionalism is trade-creating in the brotherhood and offers intensive development. the overall efficiency will be diminished if individual members keep protecting their ain advantages. as this â€Å"constitutes an extension of protection from the national to the regional degree and is a motion off from freer universe trade† ( de Melo. Panagariya. 1992. p. 3 ) . The ultimate inquiry is whether regionalism complements multilateralism in the long tally or non. A disconnected universe of inward-looking axis that prejudiced exclude Third World states from trade would increase tensenesss. particularly in states with different political backgrounds ( Near and Middle East. Africa ) . However. in order to expose constructive attacks and back up the sense of economic integrating. a supranational administration would equilibrate all involvements at the disbursal of national sovereignty and would hold an inordinate power. which merely should be entru sted when the society agrees. The EU. for case. might exchange from a pluralist to a functionalist attack ( see Nello. 2005. p. 4f ) and implement Federalist establishments to function the union’s efficiency. Nevertheless. public assistance in planetary footings can merely be achieved when trade policies disregard its mercantilist prejudice of net income maximization and export excess. The WTO and GATT dialogues themselves unveil different struggles of involvement when it comes to protectionism and indicate that this is non an issue of trade forms but an attitude. When the large three axis ( EU. NAFTA. Mercosur ) act on their ain behalf and it is hard to fall in. so the polarization of the universe proceeds6 ( figure 9. 10 ) . Bhagwati claims a monotonically welfare-improving mode of trade towards one axis ( multilateralism ) is significant for planetary efficiency. As Olson states â€Å"Even though trade liberalization is good in sum. without a coordinated liberalization by all. it is viewed as a losing proposition. Free trade. perceived as a public good. therefore suffers from the freerider problem† ( de Melo. Panagariya. 1992. p. 4 ) . The portion of intra-regional trade has enhanced in EU. NAFTA and Mercosur in the last 10 old ages. This demonstrates inward-looking became one major issue ; the potencies of regional markets are favorable and the economic development of Western societies returns. External trade policies are characterized by effectual protection of national advantages. Mentions Bulard. M. . Gresh. A. . Rekacewicz. P. ( 2012 ) . Atlas der Globalisierung – Die Welt von morgen. Berlin. lupus erythematosus Monde diplomatique Ceccini. P. ( 1992 ) . The European Challenge: 1992. Aldershot. Wildwood House. from Salvatore. D. ( 2007 ) . International Economics. Hoboken NJ. Wiley de Melo. J. . Panagariya. A. ( 1992 ) . The New Regionalism in Trade Policy. Washington. The World Bank Dicken. P. ( 2007 ) . Global Shift – Maping the Changing Contours of the World Economy. London. California. New Delhi. SAGE Dyczkowska. J. . Dyczkowska. T. . Kardasz. A. ( 2010 ) . The European Integration in the Fields of Research – Economic Impact. Wroclaw. Wroclaw University of Economics Eibner. W. ( 2008 ) . International Economic Integration. Munchen. Oldenbourg Feenstra. R. C. . Taylor. A. M. ( 2008 ) . International Trade. New York. Deserving Publishers Gresh. A. . Radvanyi. J. . Rekacewicz. P. ( 2010 ) . Atlas der Globalisierung. Berlin. lupus erythematosus Mo nde diplomatique Nello. S. S. ( 2005 ) . The European Union – Economics. Policies and History. Berkshire. McGraw-Hill Education Salvatore. D. ( 2007 ) . International Economics. Hoboken NJ. Wiley Weiler. J. H. H. ( 2005 ) . The EU. The WTO and the NAFTA. Oxford. Oxford University Press

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Who Has Control Over Your Child Essays - Dispute Resolution

Who Has Control Over Your Child Essays - Dispute Resolution Who Has Control Over Your Child Who Has Control Over Your Child? If you turn on the television at around seven-o clock at night, you will see plenty of violent shows. This violence on television affects the behavior of children, causing their play to become more aggressive. American parents do not exercise enough control over their child's television viewing habits, often using the television as a sort of electronic baby-sitter. Violence is everywhere in the world of entertainment. Most of the movies in the theaters contain at least a little bit of violence. Even the popular Star Wars series contains violent content, such as murder, torture, and dismemberment. Television cartoons also contain violence, such as Wyle E. Coyote getting run over by a truck and getting up unhurt, that affects the way children behave. When I was a child, my siblings and I watched about five to six of hours of television per week, but from the beginning, our parents explained to us the difference between reality and fantasy. We knew the real world was not the same as what we saw on television and at the movies. In contrast, my cousins now watch about an average of ten hours of television per week and their parents have not quite explained this concept to them very well. They have not quite grasped the concept of reality versus fantasy. I have four young cousins. Their ages are twelve, ten, eight, and seven years old. During the day, the two younger ones watch several hours of television. When the two older ones come home from school, they immediately park themselves in front of the television for the next two hours. Their younger brothers always join them. My cousins usually watch cartons that have fighting scenes. Sometimes they try to mimic what they see. So, they start fighting. At first, it is playful, after a while, the fighting gets a little more serious. At this point, I usually hear one of my cousins crying because someone hit him too hard. This happens almost every day. Their parents do not seem to notice what effect these television shows have on their sons. My four young cousins think that violence is the answer to all problems. For example, if they do not get what they want from another sibling, they sometimes hit or threaten to hit that sibling. They think that if they resort to violence, they will always get their way. I know of several solutions that will help parents control what and how much their child watches. First of all, they have to talk with their child about what the difference between reality and fantasy is. Understanding a childs grasp of reality versus fantasy will help parents decide what shows he or she is mature enough to watch. Secondly, there are other activities that a child should participate in besides watching television. For example, parents should encourage them to take up new hobbies to occupy their afternoons after they finish their homework. Children should also be encouraged to do more reading instead of watching television at night. Reading helps to expand a childs vocabulary and will help them do better in school. Thirdly, parents should buy a television that has a v-chip installed into it. By around the year 2000, most television will have this as a part of its standard feature. The v-chip locks out certain channels or shows that contains violence. Only parents can u nlock this function by entering a special code. Some parents might argue that they would not have time to monitor their childs viewing habits because they work all day. Another argument might be that they do not have enough money to buy a television that has a v-chip installed in it. Another parent might argue about their child going over to their friends house to watch something that they are not allowed to watch at home. How can they keep their child from doing this? If I were a parent, I would be concerned about my childs future. If a child is aggressive as a child they will mostly be very aggressive as an adult. This is one reason why so many crimes are committed. Secondly, ever adult has

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic and Planning Management (Bachelor of Business) Essay

Strategic and Planning Management (Bachelor of Business) - Essay Example For new businesses, theorists have proposed various strategic business models. These models include analytical models and models for promoting an organizational system. It depends on the mission, nature, and goals of organizations that which of the models are effective and can be best applied. The models that are discussed frequently in the literature are SWOT and PESTLE, which are used for the business environment analysis (Kachru, 2009). Similarly, the literature also highlights extrinsic analytical models such as Porter’s Five Forces model, which identifies the competition, challenges, regulations and patterns of the new market. Keeping all such models in consideration, this study is going to develop an organizational business plan (Kachru, 2009). The models projected are to be applied in the business perspective to bring effective results for organization and its core services. The theme of the organization is a hotel providing hospitality, tourism, and food services. This is to construct a bridge a relationship between marketing principles, models, and effective organizational plan and system. According to the business literature, when a new business intends to emerge it starts off with deep, critical and intensive planning. Planning is vibrantly important whether it is strategic planning or corporate business planning they are important for a new business (Verardo, 1997). According to David Bangs, business plans have a significant relationship with the starting up of the business (Bangs, 2002). Plans affect starting decisions and decisions bring actions which eventually give foundation to the new business. The same implies to a new hotel business if it wants to get started it has to start with decisive planning stage (Dubrin, 2008, p. 122). As per the theorists’ perspective the starting planning phase is all

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anti-diabetic medication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anti-diabetic medication - Research Paper Example Monotherapy with Metformin is effective in controlling the blood glucose levels in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM), however, it can also be used in conjunction with other oral hypoglycaemic drugs such as sulfonylureas and are effective in eliminating the use of insulin therapy (Dunn & Peters, 1995). Metformin is highly recommended in NIDDM patients because of its good glycaemic control, therefore it is crucial to understand its pharmacodynamics, adverse effects, contraindications, drug interactions, dosage and basic patient education for an effective prescription. The major action of metformin is decreasing the hepatic production of glucose and also reduces the intestinal absorption of glucose after meals. The better aspect about metformin is that it does not stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreatic beta cells, like the sulfonylureas. This removes any risk of causing hypoglycaemia in the NIDDM patients. Metformin has proved to reduce the HbA1c levels by 1% to 2% (Tindal, Sedrak, & Boltri, 2014). Metformin also increases the peripheral glucose uptake and increases the insulin sensitivity of tissue to insulin. These effects are helpful in improving glucose tolerance and also reduce the basal and the post-prandial levels of blood glucose. Metformin has also shown through clinical studies that it reduces the plasma lipid levels through its action on liver. It lowers total cholesterol, serum triglycerides, low-density lipids and increases high-density lipids. It is also effective in reducing platelet aggregation and makes the blood les s viscous (Wynee, Woo, & Millard, 2002). Metformin is used in the treatment of NIDDM as a monotherapy or in combination with other oral hypoglycemic drugs. It is especially of importance in obese patients who cannot use sulfonylureas, because metformin does not cause weight gain and also reduces plasma lipids (Wynee, Woo, & Millard, 2002). Metformin has shown in studies that if it is used in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Aurora Shootings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Aurora Shootings - Essay Example July 20th, 2012 was marked with unbelievable horror, violence and sorrow which will be remembered for a long time due to the loss of lives and the fearful scars it left on the surviving individuals. The screening of the English movie â€Å"The Dark Knight Rises† at one of the movie theaters in Aurora, Colorado, was converted from an exciting and fun-filled event into a deadly massacre spreading fear and panic everywhere. The shooting resulted in the death of 12 and the injury of 58 people in the theater; according to the police reports, nearly every injury was the outcome of gunshots (Pearson 2012). This rampage has been covered by media extensively elaborating each and every detail, number of victims and survivors, aftermaths of the shootings, government actions and emotional stories of the massacre victims and their mourning relatives. James E. Holmes, the suspect of Aurora shootings, entered the movie theater through a rear exit door, armed with a gun and wearing ballistic helmet and protective gear over his body, shot at random in the movie theater. According to the law enforcement agencies, Holmes also threw a tear gas; however, the substance is still under suspicion. Holmes was arrested within first seven minutes of the panic calls from the movie-goers, while the victims were hurriedly sent to the nearby hospitals (Pearson 2012). The Aurora shootings left many questions lingering amongst the people regarding security of movie theaters that how could an armed person enter a theater and many questioning eyes were raised against the gun ownership laws of the United States. On the other hand, reasons that provoked Holmes towards a merciless shooting spree are also being investigated and researched.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Themes And Controversy In Fight Club

Themes And Controversy In Fight Club The conversion of the novel Fight Club to film, though controversial, turned out to be a very effective way of enhancing the authors reputation while spreading the message of its themes, such as the emasculation of men, to a wider audience and inciting much discussion on its social and cultural effects. Columbine occurred only six months previously and in its shadow many blamed violent media on their actions, as the author of Fight Club saved by Cast does, calling the movie a story about a secret society of men who like to pick fights for no other reason than they simply enjoy fighting. He seems to believe that the film took the fighting out of the context of its themes and therefore becomes an ad for violence and nothing more. 3. Yet most critics agree that the movie delves deeper than that, perhaps as a commentary on modern society or National Socialism or the soullessness of corporate America. Many think as I do though, and believe that the film s main focus is the emasculation of men (Lim). 4. Though any of these have the potential to be true, the actors themselves agree that the movie should be left up to interpretation; it becomes for you what you need it to be. B. Lead up to and follow up of thesis 1. Fight Club raises a number of different reactions, many negative because of the violence, but the book isn t about violence, it s about finding your worth, getting your identity and holding onto it, earning your place. 2. Thesis 3. This movie was designed to lure in controversy, especially in light of the Columbine shooting, by not only making the statement that men want to and enjoy doing this, but hides no brutality in the film itself. There is no shortage of blood or bruises and no mercy in the sound of skulls smacking pavement (Lim). II. The Cultural effects of Fight Club A. Author s reputation 1. The film adaptation of his novel made Palahniuk s reputation skyrocket, it propelled his work to the forefront of modern literature ( COMMENTARY ). It initiated the creation of a video game and men s clothing line, and provided people with plenty of catchphrases. (Lim) B. Culture: Background 1. This film has also had a massive effect on culture and produced a following unprecedented by early road bumps. 2. Ads for the film, to the director s dismay, ran during wrestling matches, It was sold as, hey come see people beat each other up. To truly understand and appreciate the movie it had to be freed from initial misconceptions that all it was about was a group of men who enjoy beating the tar out of one another. 3. The film also cost more than sixty million dollars and it sadly, as many had hoped, bombed at the box office only earning thirty seven million (Lim). C. Mormon Fight Club in Provo, Utah (Source 5, Gumbel) 1. Even with these road bumps it was still powerful enough to start fight clubs around North America, even in the heart of America s Mormon country. 2. Mormon students attending Brigham Young University and Utah State College had been meeting in secret and modeled a Fight Club of their own after the movie. 3. Looking for bloody violence with a friendly twist? asks the club s website, Fight Club where friends gather to enjoy a relaxing beating (Gumbel). 4. Fight Club not only drew a lot of attention but also was powerful enough to start Fight Clubs that hold true to the movie in rhetoric and serve the same purpose. III. Themes A. Nobody Knows for Sure 1. With no one willing to give the film a clear thematic purpose, including the director, it is wide open to interpretation, and with plenty of people willing to offer up their thoughts there is no shortage of potential themes. 2. The movie seems to have created ubiquitous controversy amongst critics, authors and everyday people all debating over its influences and themes. Is it Nietzschean? Buddhist? Marxist? Is it about the rhetoric of masculinity? The poetics of the body? The economics of patriarchy? (Lim). 3. The argument with the most merit seems to be that it should take on the interpretation that the viewer finds applies to him/herself the best. 4. Mr. Norton agrees saying, Joseph Campbell has that great idea about mythologies: that a myth functions best when it s transparent, when people see through the story to themselves. When something gets to the point where it becomes the vehicle for people sorting out their own themes, I think you ve achieved a kind of holy grail. Maybe the best you can say is that you ve managed to do something true to your own sensations. But at the same time you realize that this has nothing to do with you. B. Emasculation of Men 1. Even in light of this one of the most popular themes appears to be the emasculation of men and their loss of male identity in the late 20th century up to today. 2. Though society condemns violence and aggression, both part of masculinity since the beginning of time, they praise violent actions in the right context. When the passengers on Flight 93 used violence on the high jackers to bring the plane down their actions were considered valiant (Boon). 3. As this applies to all men, and functions as a commentary on society as a whole, this is one of the most significant of all possibilities. Aside from that the idea of this loss of power and identity in men to the point of reclusive masculinity is becoming more and more true. IV. Conclusion A. Wrap up of themes 1. In short, Fight Club is a film of lost identity, masculinity being slowly drained from its keepers. 2. How can any man be expected to perform his function with the contradictory standards presented by culture? Men are chastised by society for practicing rituals traditionally used to prepare them for the duties they must perform as men, yet are still expected to complete those duties. Men are to: a. physically defend without training in single combat, to exhibit bravery and valor without physically imposing themselves on anyone else, to conquer without dominating, to acquiesce without surrendering, to control their environment without being controlling, to attain victory without defeating anyone, and to remain ready to fight without fighting (Boon). 3. With such limits men are forced to practice their masculinity in secret and left angry and abandoned by society. B. The End 1. Fight Club is an incredible film ripe with controversy and open to interpretation. 2. Though many critics were unforgiving, one dubbing it a film without a single redeeming quality, which may have to find its audience in Hell, anyone should be able to appreciate its dark humor and clever twists regardless of a person s stance on violence or interpretation of the film. The invention of the movie s director David Fincher makes the movie a work of art and adds immeasurably to its effectiveness; he keeps you guessing until the end (Fight Club). Other than that it holds truer to the novel it was based on than any other film I have ever seen. 3. And finally, I think the author of Fight Club says it best when he concludes, a. At the end of the day you could agree that Fight Club is a celebration of corrupted masculinity as vehemently as the opposing view that it s a parody of these ideals. It won t make any difference though because, either way, this is a thrilling, intelligent and shocking blasterpiece.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Potential for Future Crop Loss Essay -- Agriculture Farming Enviro

The Potential for Future Crop Loss On the subject of potential crop loss there are several variables, which influence drought and plant disease resulting in a loss of crops. The first variable is that of drought. Drought is a result of shifting weather patterns, which changes the amount of precipitation an area receives. There are three major causes of drought, deficient and unfavorably distributed precipitation, excess heat and warm winds (Nemanishen, 1998, p.35). Historically the grasslands of North America have had a highly varied climate with years of drought immediately followed by years of sufficient precipitation. For example, in the area of the Palliser Triangle in the grasslands of Canada, wheat crop loss has been seen numerous times in history varying in severity depending on the weather patterns of the season. In drought years the wheat yield is particularly sensitive to low antecedent moisture reserves, below average rainfall in the crop growing season, and summer heat waves with hot, dry winds (Nemanishen, 1998, p.24). In consecutive drought years the precipitation deficit accumulates resulting in soil moisture depletion in the root systems (Nemanishen, 1998, p.26). The loss of soil moisture also leads to a lack of ground water recharge resulting in declines of runoff and stream flow making the crops particularly susceptible to wind erosion. Major droughts have reduced annual grassland rainfall fifteen to twenty-five percent and July and August average rainfall twenty-five to fifty percent. As a result of drought wheat crop production dropped twenty –five percent in North America (Borchert, 1971, pp10-11). In order to avoid crop loss it is important for scientists and farmers to identify weather patterns ... ...ast, it’s happening right now and it will happen in the future. Works Cited Borchert, J. R. (1971). The dust bowl in the 1970s. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 61(1), 1-22. Boyce, N. (2001). Revisiting Ireland's great famine. U.S. News and World Report, 130(24), 44. Daly, D.C. (1996). The leaf that launched a thousand ships. Natural History, 105(1), 24-32. Hertstein, U., Grunhage, L., & Jager, H. J. (1995). Assessment of past, present, and future impacts of ozone and carbon-dioxide on crop yields. Atmospheric Environment, 29 (16), 2031-2039 Lowdermilk, W. C. (1999). Conquest of the land through 7,000 years. Agriculture Information Bulletin, (99), 1-24. Nemanishen, W. (1998) Drought in the Palliser Triangle. PFRA Drought Committee. 23-40.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Case Study: BPI vs. de Coster Essay

FACTS:On Dec. 29, 1921, Gabriela Andrea de Coster y Roxas and her husband acting as her agent, made to the BPI a certain promissory note for P292,000,payable one year after date, with interest of 9 per cent per annum and payable monthly. In order to secure the payment thereof, Jean M.Poizat and J. M. Poizat and Co. executed a chattel mortgage in favor of the plaintiff on the steamers Roger Poizat and Gabrielle Poizat including the machinery and materials belonging to the Poizat Vegetable Oil Mills. Gabriela Andreade Coster y Roxas and her husband acknowledged and delivered to the plaintiff a mortgage on certain real property lying and being situated in the City of Manila. The real property was subject to a prior mortgage in favor of La Orden de Dominicos or PP. Predicadores de la Provinciadel Santisimo Rosario, hence it is made a party defendant. The promissory is long past due which compel the plaintiff to file an action against the defendants. The lower court rendered judgment against the defendants GabrielaAndrea de Coster y Roxas, Jean M. Poizat and J. M. Poizat andCo. and made them liable,jointly and severally, for the payment of P292,000, with interest at the rate of 9 per cent per annum starting from the 31st of August, 1923. They are also order to pay P10,000 as attorney’s fees and P2,500 for the insurance upon the steamer Gabrielle Poizat , with interest on that amount starting from February 9, 1924, at the rate of 9 per cent per annum, and costs. Then the plaintiff files a petition to the court for a writ of execution. On May 3, 1924, the plaintiff files a motion to declare the defendants in default due to their failure to appear or answer. The court rendered decision in favor of the plaintiffs. On Aug. 26, 1924, Gabriela Andrea de Coster y Roxas, claimed that she had been residing in Paris, France from 1908 until April 30, 1924 and that she only found out about the case from the newspapers. She further claims that she was never given any summons by the sheriff and that her husband exceeded his authority as her agent. She prayed that the judgment to be annulled and set aside. She also prayed that the case be reopened and she be permitted to file an answer so that the case can be tried according to its merits. ISSUES: †¢ Whether or not proper summons were served. †¢ Whether or not Jean M. Poizat, husband of the defendant exceeded his authority as an agent of his wife. †¢ Whether or not the case should be remanded to the lower court. HELD:With regards to the first issue, the Court held that the summons has not been properly served. In the ordinary course of things when the wife is absent from the residence of husband by reason of pleasure or business, the residence of the wife would continue and remain to be that of the husband. In the instant case, the circumstances warrant otherwise. For fifteen years the residence of the husband was in the City of Manila, and the residence of the wife was in the City of Paris prior to the filing of the complaint and issuance of summons.. There have been no personal service of summon on the defendant as required by the Rules of Court because the publication requirement for serving of summons to persons made party to a case who are residing abroad has not been satisfied. With regards to the second issue, the Court held that Jean M. Poizat has exceeded his authority as the agent of his wife. It will be noted that there is no provision in power of attorney granted to the husband of the defendant which authorizes or empowers him to sign anything or to do anything which would make his wife liable as a surety for a pre-existing debt. It is fundamental rule of construction that in an instrument where powers and duties are specified and defined, all of such powers and duties are limited and confined to those expressly mentioned therein and all other powers and duties are excluded. It is very apparent from the face of the instrument that the purpose of the power of attorney was to empower and authorize the husband to look after and protect the interests of his wife. But nowhere does it provide or authorize him to make her liable as a surety for the payment of the pre-existing debt of a third person. Hence, it follows that the husband was not authorized or empowered to sign the note in question for and on behalf of his wife. Therefore, the note is void for want of power of the husband to execute it. The same thing is true as to the real mortgage to the bank.It was given to secure the note in question and was not given for any other purpose. The real property described in the mortgage was the property of the wife. The note being void as far the wife is concern, it follows that the real mortgage to the bank is also void for want of power to execute it. On the last issue, the Court held that the case should be remanded to the lower court to give the wife opportunity to file an answer to plaintiff’s cause of action so that the case can be tried according to its merits.

Friday, November 8, 2019

10 Sociology Essay Topics Great Ideas to Produce an Essay about Outsourcing and Global Remote Employment

10 Sociology Essay Topics Great Ideas to Produce an Essay about Outsourcing and Global Remote Employment In order to accurately provide the facts that you can use in developing today’s topic, it is important that a brief discussion of two concepts included in the topic heading should be had. The two concepts- 5-paragraph essays and outsourcing- are novel concepts to most students who are used to writing simple composition essays and anyone who has not yet entered the crowded job market. 5-paragraph essays are prose compositions that follow the prescribed format consisting of an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. Using this particular format, body paragraphs are written in such a way that the first sentence states a fact or introduces an idea while the preceding sentences provide more information about the introductory sentence. Outsourcing is slowly but surely becoming the working process with a global appeal. It can be described as the global practice of obtaining goods or services from an outside supplier. We would like you to also note that this article is the first in a series consisting of three articles written to provide you with directions on how to write on outsourcing and global remote employment. So please ensure that you check the other article that provides 20 5-paragraph essay topics on outsourcing and global remote employment. 10 facts on outsourcing and global remote employment: Outsourcing helps manufacturers meet deadlines. Statistics show that the average manufacturer outsources a large percentage of its finished product in order to meet set manufacturing deadlines. In 2013, studies on outsourcing proved that approximately 70% of all finished products produced in the developed world were outsourced and 90% of companies who outsource claims it helps them beat deadlines as it provides enterprises with more time to focus on other business processes. Outsourcing forms a huge part of the GDP in the developing world. Outsourcing has become a major source of GDP growth in the developing world. The outsourcing global market is estimated to generate approximately $507 billion dollars on a yearly basis and that number is still set to grow. On the other hand, electronics manufacturing makes up $381 billion and 80% of outsourced jobs are done predominantly in Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. Outsourcing is cost effective and saves enterprises money. A reduction in production cost has been identified as the major reason companies outsource jobs. A survey conducted on the IT and business industry showed that 87% of companies chose to outsource certain jobs to save cost. Breaking down this percentage, the survey showed that 30% of outsourcers believe it was cost effective, 55% believe it was somewhat effective while 15% saw outsourcing as ineffective. Freelancers gain a lot from outsourcing. The freelancing industry is a major gainer from outsourced jobs and the industry presently accounts for approximately $2billion of outsourced jobs. There are wage disparities though; the average freelancer in the United States earns approximately $23.32 per hour while the average freelancer in Asia and Africa earns approximately $2 per hour. Outsourcing is an important part of the IT industry. Outsourcing is more prevalent in the IT sector than any other industry vertical. Statistics show that the IT sector currently makes up more than 60% of the total outsourcing market. The banking sector on the other hand outsources approximately 40% of its activities while 54% of companies- cutting across IT, banking, Insurance etc.- outsource their customer service requirements overseas. Legal tasks are also widely outsourced. Although IT outsourcing is more predominant, legal work is also being outsourced to English speaking countries from the developing world. A study found that approximately 67% of employers outsource sensitive legal opinions or jobs to foreigners. Globalization has also played its part and 65% of employers now outsource legal counsel while 56% of legal research is currently been outsourced to other regions. Not surprising, India and the Philippines play a stellar role as the major recipient of outsourced legal work. Sales and marketing jobs are the least likely to be outsourced. Strategic planning functions are some of the jobs most companies say they are unlikely to outsource and sales/marketing tasks fall under this category. Statistics show that approximately 89% of enterprises do not plan to outsource strategic planning functions, and 80% say sales and marketing tasks are too region sensitive to be outsourced. India leads the way in receiving outsourced jobs. Studies show that India is currently the country that receives the bulk of jobs outsourced from the western world and statistics are provided to support this claim. 59% of companies worldwide outsource jobs to India while an additional 22% plan to move jobs to India in the near future. India also leads in the number of outsourced IT jobs it receives with 65% of all IT jobs being outsourced going to IT firms in India. China is the favorite destination for outsourced manufacturing jobs. China currently comes second to India in the number of jobs currently outsourced to it. Approximately 36% of all outsourced jobs go to China and a large percentage of it consists of manufacturing jobs. In 2015, statistics showed that between 2002 and 2014, approximately 3.2 million US jobs were moved to China and 2.4 million of these jobs were from the manufacturing sector. Outsourcing is seen in a negative light in the western world. In the US, outsourcing has received some criticism and is being blamed for the mass job loss that had occurred during the 2007 financial recession. A study had shown that approximately 86% of the US workers feel that sending jobs overseas negatively affects the US economy. Here we come to the end of the 10 interesting facts that you can make use of when writing a custom essay on outsourcing and global remote employment. As stated earlier, you can take some inspiration by checking out the 20 topics provided for students writing on this topic as well as read the last article which provides a writer’s guide for 5-Paragraph essay on outsourcing and global remote employment for your reading and learning pleasure. References: Lee, H. and Sim, S. (2015). Global Outsourcing and Wage Inequality in Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from South Korea. Global Economic Review, 45(1), pp.19-41. Zhang, T. (2011). International Outsourcing and Unemployment in a Minimum-wage Economy. Review of International Economics, 19(4), pp.776-786. Grossman, G. Helpman, E. (2002). Outsourcing in a Global Economy. Cambridge, MA.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Lees, A. Ashtok, A. (2010). Made in India: Are you Ready for Outsourced Contract Manufacturing?. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 16(3), pp.258-265. Aydinliyim, T. Vairaktarakis, G. (2010). Coordination of Outsourced Operations to Minimize Weighted Flow Time and Capacity Booking Costs. Manufacturing Service Operations Management, 12(2), pp.236-255. Kirkegaard, J. (2012). Offshoring, Outsourcing, and Production Relocation Labor-Market Effects in the OECD Countries and Developing Asia.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chlamydomonas Lab Report Essays

Chlamydomonas Lab Report Essays Chlamydomonas Lab Report Paper Chlamydomonas Lab Report Paper Essay Topic: Whiplash The power stroke consists of beating stiffly in one direction, while during the recovery stroke the cilium is pulled back in floppy fashion close to the cell surface, thereby offering little resistance. Once in position, it straightens out and the stiff power stroke begins again. Human cilia or flagella are found in traditionally in three locations of the human body. In men, sperm is composed of a head and a tail, a tail that functions as flagella. In women, the fallopian tubes are lined with cilia projections, which help carry eggs and what creates resistance for sperm entering the vagina for fertilization. Both men and women (and all other mammals) have cilia in two other places in their bodies. One location is somewhat familiar: cilia coat the trachea and bronchial tubes leading down into the lungs. Cilia are also present in the brain and spinal cord. Cilia line the canals and ventricles, the empty spaces in the brain. The cerebral fluid in the brain and nervous system is kept in motion by the numerous cilia projections. Human cilia is very useful for multiple processes in the body, but when cilia is damaged, certain processes will not occur and defects will arise due to the lack of recesses. Cilia defects occur often in humans due to the defects in the cilia projections around the body. Cilia can suffer from genetic disorders, which are called caliphates. Caliphates usually involve proteins that localize to the primary cilia (the sensory organelles), which can cause genetic disorders such as primary cilia disease duskiness (PC) or nonproliferations or Senior-Looked syndrome. Polycyclic kidney disease can occur when there is defect in the cilia of the renal tube cells. Another genetic disorder called Barded-Bided syndrome (BBS) occurs hen the mutant gene products are in the components in the basal body and cilia. The symptoms of these diseases include physiological defects such as kidney failure, defective mucus clearance, neurosurgery deficits, and obesity. Defects in cilia or flagella in men sperm can lead to male infertility if the sperm cannot successfully move up the fallopian tube. Lack of functional cilia in female Fallopian tubes can cause octopi pregnancy, which is when the embryo implants outside of the uterine cavity. The cause of cilia defects is not really known other that genetic mutations. The cilia defects can get passes down from generation to generation. Symptoms for defects are not particularly known, but are circumstantial from defect to defect. Chlamydeous is a green plant that reproduces asexually and sexually. Chlamydeous is known for a number of different characteristics. First of all, Chlamydeous is a haploid organism. This means that it only has one allele, thus only showing one genotype for the cell. This characteristic makes it very easy during experiments to know why certain traits and description are a certain way and it makes it easy to test for variables. Chlamydeous are also known for having a generation time of two weeks (from mating of one generation to when this next generation can mate), meaning that it is easy to see results on a generation of Chlamydeous if it was test with a certain protein, as compared with the control. Chlamydeous has two interiorly inserted whiplash flagella that are similar to human cilia and contain the same flagella as humans. Chlamydeous also is not a new model organism, meaning that there are many different mutant strains that have unique characteristics from one another. Those unique characteristics sometime mimic environments inside the body and can be used to see how the body will react to the variable without actually affecting a patient. Victor Stool and his colleagues recognized that cilia play critical roles in animal physiology and development. They need to identify the gene products necessary for cilia assembly and function by running a proteomics analysis of human cilia. However, the proteomics analysis of human cilia is limited in its ability to detect low-abundance proteins. Comparative genomics was used to identify genes mound only in the genomes of organisms with cilia and flagella and was successful. This study was then implemented to find the low-abundance proteins of human cilia. Stool now found a use for the Chlamydeous because one, it has similar flagella or cilia to humans, two, most known components of cilia and flagella are strongly induced during flagella regeneration in Clampdowns and three, most of the identified human cilia disease genes have orthogonal in Chlamydeous that have been shown to be involved in flagella assembly. During process of flagella regeneration, it has been shown that many known legal components are transcriptional induced, with most transcripts reaching maximum accumulation between 30 to minis. Supplied with the Chlamydeous genome, Stool and his team set out to analyze the RNA transcriptional profile observed during flagella regeneration to identify flagella genes that have its RNA transcription activated in response to flagella regeneration. HASPS is the protein that our lab group took interest in. HASPS was up- regulated during flagella regeneration and chosen as a protein of interest. Hasps are called 70 kiloton heat shock proteins and are a family of heat hock proteins. Hasps are important for protein folding and essentially protects the cell from stress. HASPS-A or pithier, is an inhibitor of app-mediated optimism and app-dependent gene transcription such as cyclic G, app/waft, and MD expression. Our group wants to know if pithier acts as an inhibitor in the case of flagella regeneration in Chlamydeous. Based on the findings of last years Bio 111 lab group, they could not fully determine if fitting because on some cases flagella did fully regenerate, but on others it did not. Methods Chlamydeous Defoliation and Fixation Chlamydeous cells were defalcated using the pH shock method. Specifically acetic acid was added to the Chlamydeous growth medium in order to obtain a pH of 4. 5 resulting in the defoliation of the Chlamydeous cells. Defalcated cells were then immediately divided into one of three conditions. The two inhibitor conditions mixed 1 ml of cells with either a low (10 um) or high (100 um) dose of HASPS-A. In the third, control condition 1 ml of cells was mixed with 10 LU of ethanol. HASPS-A was dissolved in an ethanol vehicle; therefore, ethanol was added to the control condition in order to ensure that this ethanol id not become a confounding variable in the study. Immediately following the division of cells into the three conditions, 50 LU_ of each group was then fixed with equal parts Logos fixative. Logos fixative was used to kill, stain, and immobilizers the Chlamydeous cells to allow for measurement of the flagella regeneration. This first group of fixed cells represented time 0 of the study. This process was repeated every 15 minutes for a total of 90 minutes yielding 7 time points for each condition. As Chlamydeous is a photosynthetic organism the live samples were kept under deal light conditions in between data collection in order to ensure proper biological functioning. Non-Defalcated Chlamydeous One set of Chlamydeous was left untreated with acid in order to determine normal flagella length. These cells were also fixed with equal amounts Logos Fixative. However, non-defalcated Chlamydeous samples were only collected at one time point yielding a single baseline flagella length. Counting and Measuring Chlamydeous Flagella Lengths The Vicissitude program was used to photograph the first 20 Chlamydeous cells located on fixed slides from each time interval.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Read the attached case and write a legal brief of the case Study

Read the attached and write a legal brief of the - Case Study Example s motion, the District court suppressed the data obtained through GpS while the vehicle was parked at Jones’s residence but accepted the remaining data on the ground that Jones had no reasonable expectation of privacy on public streets. The D.C Circuit reversed the conviction on the ground that warrantless use of GpS violated the Fourth Amendment. Government approached the Supreme Court. A. Rule: The Fourth Amendment provides that â€Å"the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizure, shall not be violated†. The government’s claim that a search has not occurred is rejected because in Katz v. United States (1967), the Court observed that â€Å"the Fourth Amendment protects people, not places†, and found violation in the attachment of an eavesdropping device to a public telephone. B. Application: Though the Fourth Amendment jurisprudence was mainly tied to common-law trespass till the second half of 20th century, it deviated after that and started protecting the privacy of people, not places. The vehicle comes under â€Å"effect† as provided in Fourth Amendment, and it is not an â€Å"open field† as claimed by the