Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The adverse medical, social, and spiritual consequences of marijuana Research Paper

The adverse medical, social, and spiritual consequences of marijuana and opiod addictions on the indiviual nd society - Research Paper Example The Sumerians of 4000BC and Egyptions of 2000BC were the first to experience their pain relieving and euphoric effects. International awareness on the issue of opioid abuse started when President T. Roosevelt convened the Shanghai Opium Commission in 1909. The commission was to assist the Chinese empire stamp out opioid addiction (Preda, 2012). Marijuana is illegal as a substance of abuse. In spite of this, physicians have produced evidence suggesting that marijuana, or some of its components can play an important role in treating some of the diseases that affect mankind. Statistically, marijuana is the most abused illicit substance in the world (Doweiko, 2009). It is estimated that about 166 million persons above 15yrs use this substance on a regular basis. It is the most abuse substance in the United States. About 43% of persons over 18yrs abuse marijuana daily in America. Marijuana abuse produces very strong effects. Users of the substance experience a mild feeling of relaxation, euphoria, sensory distortions and alteration of an individual’s perception of usual activities such as watching television, eating and having sex (Doweiko, 2009). Others may have enhanced perceptions of sounds and colors. In social environments, marijuana smokers may talk excessively and display infectious laughter. High potency marijuana causes a synesthesia like experience and enhanced tactile sensations. Research shows that very low use of marijuana seems to stimulate the brain to release serotonin which causes antidepressant effects that help reduce depression (Doweiko, 2009). Opioids bind to opioid receptors found on neurons that exist in nervous and immune system. There are four major types of opioid receptors. These are mu, delta, kappa and OFQ/N. These receptors act as binding sites for endogenous peptides, such as enkephalins, endorphins and dynorphins (Doweiko, 2009) . These peptides perform regulatory and modulating functions, including

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hot and Cold Essay Example for Free

Hot and Cold Essay Since time immemorial, Indians have been bombarded with snacks-to-go by street vendors; fastfood is neither a modern phenomenon, nor a western innovation. But as increasing numbers of international players enter the domestic market, there are bitter lessons to learn about what local consumers will and will not welcome. just-food.coms Debasish Ganguly reports from India on the evolving sector and the challenges facing new entrants into the fastfood market. Fastfood is not an alien concept to Indians; roadside shops have offered snacks-to-go since time immemorial and the country has a long tradition of indigenous fastfood served by a variety of street vendors. Whether the southern Dosas or the Phulkas in the north, the Vada, Samosas or Bhelpuri, this inexpensive cuisine is still going strong, and street selling is a low-cost method of food distribution. However, since the arrival of established fastfood chains such as McDonalds, marketing savvy and dollar power have given fastfood a very western orientation. The weekend stampedes outside any McDonalds restaurant are standing testimony to this fact. But the burger behemoths still have a long way to go. Local fastfood is not easily undermined by these interlopers, since methods of mass production have not been perfected and, in any case, they would have to compete with low cost artisan production. On the other hand, the reality is that established local fastfood chains, like Nirulas, Wimpys or Haldiram, are sensing competition by the growing popularity of McDonalds and other international chains. Though Nirulas does not admit to any drop in sales overtly, industry sources reveal that they have lost 18% of their original market share. So far, the fastfood chains have gained their popularity among the major metropolitan cities of India and some smaller cities, such as Pune or Baroda. Before the arrival of these fastfood chains, Nirulas was the market leaderin Delhi. In fact, Nirulas taught Delhi-dwellers what pizzas and burgers were all about. Nirulas was commanding a monopoly until western chains arrived in India.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Personal Writing: My New Life In India :: essays research papers

Personal Writing: My New Life in India Tap ... tap ... tap ... I looked up to see a blurry figure of my mother tapping a few fingers on my shoulder. "Sorry to wake you up, Rishi, but me and Daddy have something important to tell you." She was not smiling. I got up, now fully awake, wondering what was going on. With my father standing next to her, my mother crossed her arms and, in a tone that I knew could not be argued with, stated, "We have decided to move to India permanently." I was awestruck. My family is Indian, but I had never so much as considered living anywhere but Peach Tree Court, a street that had the brightest green maple trees and fields of radiant yellow and orange marigolds. India was nothing more than an old family story to me, not a place to live. Over the next couple of weeks, I ruminated on what life would be like in India. My brother, who already attended an Indian boarding school, told me in scratchy long-distance telephone conversations how great life was in India at his boarding school. "We have the best futbol (soccer) field in all of India," he said. "It has an electronic scoring board, and the surface is fluorescent blue astroturf." This was an enormous motivation factor, due to the fact that soccer is my favorite sport. "And the food is delectable," he went on, "They serve chicken curry with juicy vegetables four out of the seven days of the week." I ate chicken curry every chance I got, so this, added to the soccer field, made the school sound fantastic. "The weather is remarkable. The temperature year-round is seventy-five to eighty degrees," he continued with emphasis, "just like California, Rishi." My brother knew that I loved California. He also told me that I would get to visit our parents two times a week, which is very generous compared to other Indian boarding schools. My brother's long-distance stories convinced me. From what I had heard, India sounded like utopia. Six weeks after my mother woke me with the big "news," my father, mother and I arrived in India. We left Peach Tree Court, with all its beautiful maple trees, and flew to India. I stepped off the airplane into the dirtiest, oldest airport I had ever seen. A film of dirt covered everything in the airport; the windows, the walls, even the floor. And the people working there seemed more likely to shrug their shoulders and ignore the passengers than care at all if anything worked right.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Irish Urban Land Development Essay

Currently, Ireland is classified as a First World Economy and it has experienced exceptional economic development at an average rate of eight per cent per year between 1994 and 2001, with a humble growth rate of four per cent per year as from 2001 to date (Stewart 2005). With this rate of growth, Ireland has become more urbanized with increased population, changing agricultural practices, and reformation of local authorities to hold increased public participation and boost lucidity. In addition, there has been a change in the household development, an escalating number and forms of homes with a changing tenure system accompanied by population changes. These elements together with the exceptional economic development and low interest rates have changed the economic, environmental and social outlook of Ireland. The changes have presented numerous challenges such as traffic clogging, environmental squalor, urban sprawl, and lack of affordable housing. This has led to a broken nexus between economic development and human welfare (Drudy 1982). Ireland has had several mechanisms aimed at effecting efficient land use planning within the urban environment towards achieving sustainable development. These mechanisms include an abundance of policies and strategies. These policies and strategies include sustainable development, a strategy for Ireland 1997, National spatial strategy for Ireland 2002, and National development plan 2002-2006 among others. However, even with these initiatives, numerous challenges still persist for urban and regional policy-making in the search of an effective and efficient sustainable development (Stewart 2005). It can be debated that some political, social, and economic elements do repel policy impact from policies intentions considering the extent to which current challenges continue to exist (EU Commission 2001). Much of research related to urbanization of population is colored with powerful anti-urbanism and a desire after the values and simple life styles of traditional upcountry areas. In Ireland some research on urbanization too stresses the goodness of upcountry and the cons of urban trends. These biases are more apparent in the research and policies related to urban land and urban advancement onto agricultural land (Drudy 1982). In fact, the preservation and defense of agricultural land and rural facilities has been the force behind the ratification of physical planning laws (Bengston et al 2004). During the late 17th and 18th centuries the existing urban model was increased by establishment of great number of new towns and villages together with re-development and extension of the existing settlements. It is argued that most of the Irish town begun as a village and outgrew into modest origins by the end of 18th century. These growths were as a result of network of roads and new canal system linking the rural and the major towns and this served as a reinforcement of the dominance of Dublin which was by then the best peopled town (Drudy 1982). The escalating growth of Irish urban regions particularly Dublin presented severe land, energy and social impacts. Growth was limited to a ring of suburban prompting rapid population increase with extreme demand for school, shopping centre, transport systems and local employment. This demand called for more land thus increasing pressures on agricultural land for urban development. Irish dedication to sustainable development can be measured by looking at its housing and land-use policies. The development of one off housing in the rural areas is the significant sign of urban sprawl. In a nation marked with a growing ratio of low density space, the prevalence of one off housing suggestion is a wholesome system failure (Bengston et al 2004). Irish land use is mostly governed by local government development plans but implementation of policies are not uniform. Viewing the one-off housing policy under the economies of scale, the houses are more expensive in service provision but a lot of burden to the developer, house purchaser and even Irish community at large. This is echoed by EPA which state that single housing homes in the upcountry leads to greater car usage therefore increasing energy demands and greater usage of small waste water treatment facilities which have the tendency to pollute underground water (Bengston et al 2004). The opposition of one off housing focuses on the economic burdens for its occupants and on the exchequer. However, when placed on a national framework, there are unquestionably broader economic challenges at stake. For example the impact of sustained site sales on Irish agricultural commodities. The sale of some areas has benign effects on agricultural activities. The fact is that site sale shackle Ireland farming over medium and long-term. Smart Growth an Option for Ireland Smart growth model was born in US in the 90s and this concept entails identifying a common platform where developers, the public and public officials together with environmentalists among other stakeholders finds acceptable means of accommodating growth. The smart growth approach emphasizes on integrating economic, social, and environmental elements of planning and development. It is not an anti-development approach as many may argue but equivalent of the bigger picture of sustainable development as defined by Bruntland as development that provides the requirements of the current generation without jeopardizing the capacity of the same resources to provide the needs of the future generations (Bruntland 1987). The concept imply to offer an answers towards managing growth through public policies instruments for example regulatory instruments and fiscal policies such as incentives and disincentives aiming at accommodating growth in ways that are economically feasible, environmentally friendly and enhancing quality of life. Some of the concerns that the approach targets to address is traffic congestion, urban sprawl, overcrowding and pollution (Stewart 2005). Conclusion The global essential towards achievement of sustainable growth implies that it is important to seek means to accommodate development in ways that is economically feasible, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible. One of the major critics of traditional urban planning is that the concept, method and technique engaged lean towards re-enforcing the present. This makes it challenging for town and city to reflect, plan and establish future alternative ideas suiting to all stakeholders’ true requirements. There is a dire necessity of replacing the conventional short term quick fix model to long term integrating and holistic model in the planning and development strategies. There is need for collaboration on finding solutions and powerful political leadership for Ireland to progress from rhetoric to reality in delivering it land use policies that will lead to positive, efficient and sustainable communities. Smart growth is not a solution to development concerns but an alternative approach to the present development model and a feasible way of mitigating current and probable future social economic and environmental concerns (Stewart 2005).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is the Death Penalty Right or Wrong?

â€Å"For centuries the death penalty, often accompanied by barbarous refinements, has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists. † This was a quote from Albert Camus; he is questioning the death penalty, by declaring that crime rates haven’t decreased. The death penalty is a court sentence of death by execution. To many, the death penalty is right because it protects people from harm. To take one’s life as capital punishment is wrong, we, America should seek new disciplinary actions to stop crime. When a person is put on death row, mostly likely nobody exactly knows if the person actually did the crime, evidence shows many things but doesn’t accurately confirm if somebody did something. It isn’t right to kill someone and not know exactly if that person did the crime. According to the Death Penalty Information Center website since the year of 1973, 139 people in 26 states have been released from death row with evidence of their innocence. Also, of the 5,500 inmates currently on death row, at least 14 percent are believed to be innocent, according to the statistics provided by the Death Penalty Information Center in Washington, D. C. These two statements prove that people, who are put on death row, aren’t always the doers of the crime. Your life is basically over when your put on death row, to be on death row for a crime you didn’t even commit must be terrible. Various statistics show that the defendant’s income level has lots to do with either a person is put on death row. â€Å"Death sentences are imposed in a criminal justice system that treats you better if you are rich and guilty than if you are poor and innocent,† Bryan Stevenson explains. When you are getting treated better than another person, you are more likely going to get the better side in everything, so no death penalty for you, while the other person, who is poor and innocent, is getting the death penalty. To Helen Prejean, she believes that the poor are selected to die in this country and also that, money gets you good defense, which is why you’ll never see an O. J Simpson on death row. Helen is right, to me, because if you have money in this world you can practically buy almost everything, including a well respected lawyer. With the right resources a guilty man can be put off death row and into prison for maybe a few years unlike, an innocent man who doesn’t have the right resources, be put onto death row.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Alternative Dispute Resolution Clause

Alternative Dispute Resolution Clause Free Online Research Papers Conflict in the workplace can be incredibly destructive to good team work, and If a disagreement arises out of a learning team , the starting point for dealing with this dispute is to identify the overriding conflict style employed by the team leader, the team or the organization through the following five steps: Step 1: Set the scene and make sure that the parties involved understand that the conflict may be a mutual problem, which can be resolved through discussion rather than through raw hostility. Use active listening skills to ensure you hear and understand others positions and perceptions by restating, paraphrasing, summarizing, and making sure that everyone acts and talks using an assertive approach rather than an aggressive or submissive style. Step 2: Gather information by identifying the underlying interest, needs, and concerns. Listen with empathy and ask for each persons input and confirm, and respect each others opinion. Also Identify issues clearly and concisely, remain flexible, and clarify feelings. Step 3: Agree the problem that needs to be solved because sometimes different people will see problems differently, and by reaching an understanding a common perception of the problem the team will come closer to finding a solution. Step 4: Brainstorm the possible solution by being open to all ideas including those that were never considered before because if everyone has given fair input everyone will feel satisfied with the resolution. Step 5: After completing the previous four steps negotiate a solution where both sides better understand the position of one another, and a mutual decision can be executed by all parties. Last but not least, if the disagreement cannot be settled through these steps of negotiation, the parties agree to first try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to arbitration, litigation, or some other dispute resolution procedure. Research Papers on Alternative Dispute Resolution ClauseConflict Resolution TacticsThe Legal ProcessProject Management 101Deontological Teleological TheoriesMy Writing ExperienceMr. Obama and IranInternational PaperDistance Learning Survival GuideProbation OfficersCombating Human Trafficking

Monday, October 21, 2019

Youth violence Essay Example

Youth violence Essay Example Youth violence Essay Youth violence Essay Young person force is increasing and rapidly going one of the major concerns in American today. Frequent young person force can be found at schoolyard, at place, outside, and everyplace in the community. Why do nt people inquire themselves what is doing the young person today so violent, and is at that place anything they can make to halt this tendency? Youth force is a serious issue, and there are many factors that contribute to youth force ; they are domestic force, negative media and packs. The truth is if a kid grows up in an unhealthy family so there will more opportunities for he or she to turn up to be a violent individual. Every twenty-four hours, a kid witnesses an act of force non merely on telecasting, but besides in their ain place, from their parents. A place is supposed to be a safe topographic point where kids larn how to love and associate to others. However, if they normally see force in their parent s relationship, they would presume that all relationship is ever filled with force. As a consequence, they look at their parents and think they have the right to make that excessively, so they will non care what parents have to state to them and merely acquire thoughts from the streets which are non good. That is why they are dropping out of school and merely hanging out with their friends, which merely brings them into problem, lead to force. How force in the media contributes to the many other factors that lead to violent and aggressive behaviour in young person? Most of the force is directed chiefly many kids and striplings. However, non every child who partakes of violent Television shows, films or picture games will go a violent felon. Two common effects from media are imitation and fright. Today s young person are invariably surrounded by important Acts of the Apostless of force on Television, in films, and in video games. Many experts in instruction and psychological science believe that kids are moving out what they see. The Acts of the Apostless can easy be reacted due to changeless exposure. For many kids, Television and picture games have become their primary function theoretical accounts. Unless parents and instructors take the clip and duty to learn kids respectful values, they will larn job resolution, get bying accomplishments and struggle declaration from video function theoretical accounts. Another consequ ence is they would be fear from watching unrated films. Some films that are meant for grownups can be rather chilling for younger childs, which can do jobs subsequently on in the socialisation procedure. The last common ground that causes youth force is packs. There are many of adolescents in pack, who come from bad friends, friends in pack. The lone thing they want when articulation there is merely to turn out them, to be cool ; even they have to contend or kill person to acquire in it the pack. That is why they are ever ready to make stupid things without believing about the consequences, merely to allow their friends know that they are moving like a hero, a large brother in their group. Another ground is they are ever believing that they are lonely in this universe, they have to make everything to last and their pack friends are merely people, who they can make everything and dice for. For illustration, there was a hideous shot in a Vietnamese eating house a few months ago. A immature cat came into the eating house, and so he killed all the people around a tabular array in the corner. The ground of his action was he hated a cat in the group of those people. The list of lending factors to violent behaviour in young persons is neer stoping. One thing that the society should retrieve though is that non merely one individual factor can be linked to youth force. To forestall young person force enlarge, non merely an single bash, but the society besides has some duty to it. For illustration, the society should restrict games and pictures that have many violent scenes ; parents should take attention of their childs much more than at the present.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Whats the Average College GPA By Major

What's the Average College GPA By Major SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re still in high school, you might be curious about how college GPAs work and what you can expect for grades given your major of choice. Just like high schools, colleges vary in how they calculate GPA. Grade inflation also significantly affects college GPA at most schools, causing many students to end up with higher GPAs in college than they had in high school. In this article, I’ll give you the facts about average GPAs at different types of colleges and within a variety of college majors. What's the Average College GPA? The average GPA for students at four-year colleges in the US is around 3.15, or a B average. This is much higher than it’s been in the past, a trend that demonstrates that grade inflation is a very real phenomenon for colleges. For example, a C used to be the standard average grade, but now a B is considered average. Why is this? One factor might be that professors are more vulnerable to student critiques in online forums and are sometimes forced to answer to angry parents if they give poor grades. The job of a professor can partially depend on how pleased his or her students are with the class, which is inevitably tied to what grades students get. As college becomes more and more expensive, both students and parents expect high grades so they can feel as though they're getting their money's worth. This is also a likely reason for grade inflation, especially considering the disparity in average GPA between public and private colleges: according to, public schools have around a 3.1 average GPA, whereas private schools have around a 3.3 average GPA. Grade inflation might also be happening because professors don’t want to jeopardize students' future chances at grad school or job opportunities by doling out low grades in an academic environment that has now come to expect Bs as the norm. However, telling you the overall average GPA across colleges and majors is somewhat meaningless as a statistic since GPAs vary so drastically by school and by major. Many schools give students two different GPAs: a cumulative GPA that takes into account all their classes, and a major GPA that only includes classes that count toward their major. In the next few sections I’ll get more specific about the average GPAs you can expect for different major fields and types of schools. GPAs by Major Science majors tend to have lower GPAs on average, with chemistry being the major with the lowest average GPA. Meanwhile, education majors earn the highest GPAs on average. Why this disparity? Grade inflation is more rampant in non-STEM fields because assignments are usually more open to interpretation, and there aren’t always clearly defined right or wrong answers. Professors tend to give students the benefit of the doubt due to the factors I mentioned previously (i.e., the impact of student evaluations, the expectations of high grades by students and parents, and professors being "too nice"). If a student gets a problem wrong or follows incorrect procedure in gathering data, it’s clear that he or she will earn a lower grade. If the student doesn’t write a clear enough thesis for an English paper, on the other hand, it’s a more subjective situation. The majors I’ve listed here come from a 2010 report by Dr. Kevin Rask of Wake Forest University. It’s difficult to say what the average GPA for one major is when you’re looking across a bunch of different schools. Each program is different, so the average GPA for these same majors at your college might be much higher or lower than indicated in the table. Major Average GPA Education 3.36 Foreign Language 3.34 English 3.33 Music 3.30 Religion 3.22 Arts 3.19 History 3.19 Computer Science 3.13 Political Science 3.11 Physics 3.10 Geography 3.09 Philosophy 3.08 Geology 3.03 Biology 3.02 Psychology 2.98 Economics 2.95 Math 2.90 Chemistry 2.78 Bonus: Curious about what the easiest college majors are? Read more here! Chemistry is a tough subject (except when it's between u and me, baby). GPAs by School Below, I've listed 10 schools for each category of selectivity (highly selective, selective, and less selective) and their average GPAs so you can get a sense of the distribution of college GPA. Here's what I mean by these levels of selectivity: Highly selective schools are schools that have a less than 15% acceptance rate Selective schools are schools that have a 20-50% acceptance rate Less selective schools are schools that have an acceptance rate higher than 50% You’ll notice that the most selective colleges have higher average undergraduate GPAs. This could be because they are more vulnerable to the factors I listed earlier that contribute to grade inflation. Moreover, because these colleges are admitting increasingly higher-achieving students, it’s more difficult to set standards in classes that are high enough to prevent most people from earning As. I consulted to find these GPAs. The years next to the GPAs indicate the most recent GPA data available from the school. All schools are arranged alphabetically. Highly Selective Colleges College Acceptance Rate Average GPA Brown University 9.3% 3.63 (2012) Columbia University 6.1% 3.45 (2010) Cornell University 12.7% 3.36 (2006) Dartmouth College 10.4% 3.46 (2014) Duke University 10.8% 3.51 (2014) Harvard University 5.2% 3.65 (2015) MIT 7.2% 3.39 (2015) Princeton University 6.4% 3.39 (2014) Stanford University 4.8% 3.57 (2011) University of Pennsylvania 9.3% 3.44 (2015) Selective Colleges College Acceptance Rate Average GPA Bates College 21.9% 3.36 (2006) Boston University 25.1% 3.16 (2014) Carleton College 21.2% 3.42 (2004) Emory University 22.0% 3.38 (2012) Grinnell College 28.9% 3.34 (2007) Kenyon College 33.8% 3.42 (2015) Lehigh University 25.2% 3.17 (2012) Spelman College 40.1% 3.16 (2013) UC San Diego 34.2% 3.14 (2015) Vassar College 23.8% 3.58 (2015) Less Selective Colleges College Acceptance Rate Average GPA Butler University 65.1% 3.25 (2007) Drury University 72.4% 3.30 (2013) Furman University 61.2% 3.20 (2014) Hope College 84.0% 3.39 (2009) James Madison University 75.2% 3.15 (2013) Portland State University 92.0% 3.14 (2011) Rutgers University 57.8% 3.09 (2013) University of Alabama 53.3% 3.13 (2015) University of Northern Iowa 80.8% 3.02 (2014) University of Utah 66.2% 3.10 (2013) Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. What Do Average College GPAs Mean for You? Average college GPAs won't mean much for you if you're still in high school, but it's good to know how GPA works in college because it can impact your future career. If you end up going through a job recruiting process toward the end of college, your GPA will likely be one of the factors that is strongly considered by recruiters. As I've said, however, GPA varies quite a bit across different schools and majors. Recruiters will be looking at how your GPA compares with that of other students at your school who are in the same field. Overall, your experiences with projects and other jobs will carry more weight than will your GPA in most hiring decisions. It's safe to say that if your college GPA ends up being at least a 3.0, most employers won't be concerned with it. Another matter to take into consideration is grad school. You'll have to be a little more serious about keeping your GPA up in college if you plan to go to grad school (especially if you have your sights set on law school or medical school). Grad programs want dedicated students who are passionate about the field of study they've chosen. A high college GPA in relation to your peers in the same field will demonstrate that you were able to consistently exceed expectations. If grad school might be on the horizon for you, don't slack off during your freshman year of college! You should make sure your GPA is solid from the beginning so you don't mess up your plans later on (but also try and have fun sometimes because college is awesome). Let's face it, we all kind of want to be lawyers just so that we can be as cool as Saul Goodman (aka James McGill ... you should really watch Better Call Saul) Conclusion: What's the Average College GPA? Figuring out the average college GPA is not as straightforward as you might assume it is. Because students take such different classes at a wide variety of institutions, it’s difficult to compare one GPA directly with another if both students aren’t attending the same college and taking similar classes. Overall, college GPAs have risen in recent years due to grade inflation caused by a variety of factors, including the easier accessibility of professor reviews, parents' expectations of students' grades, and grad school competition. Don’t choose a major or a college because you think you’re going to be able to get a higher GPA in that program. If you work hard in a field you truly enjoy, the good grades will most likely follow! What's Next? Trying to figure out where you should apply to college? Check out our complete guides on how to choose a school that's right for you and how to figure out what you should go to college for. If you just want to start exploring what's out there in terms of college offerings, read our guide to the best college search websites and our breakdown of how long a bachlor's degree takes. Aiming for the top schools? Learn how to get into Harvard and the Ivy League. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Safety program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Safety program - Essay Example They would be held accountable if lack of safety management tools would result in an unfortunate event within their organization. The Senior Management would have the authority to direct, control or change any policy, procedure or accountability assigned to any personnel as they are the main decision makers. However, it would be the responsibility of the assigned Committee / Executive to manage the operational activities and SMS implementation & continuation. First step in implementing an SMS is to define the requirements in a Safety Policy and align it with safety standards at both national and international levels. Safety Policy should be clearly communicated with willing endorsement throughout the organization. Periodic review of the same should also be ensured. The responsibility for managing the SMS is given to one Accountable Executive or a Committee is designed (outsourced help if required). This is a focal point of an SMS to be effective. From then it becomes the responsibili ty of the Committee or Executive to assign safety responsibilities to all employees for their support, involvement and ownership of the issue, since employees are the best source for identification and control of hazards. According to Hawthorne effect employee involvement increases their productivity so it is win-win situation for both.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Media appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media appraisal - Essay Example By combing these methods the author has an original approach to her research and this makes it very interesting to criticise. The paper shows how the role of popular music in society has been studied traditionally and challenges some classical methodologies while also proposing new ones. It is the combination of these points which makes this article good to study in terms of research methodology analysis. The study is of popular music in the lives of young people. It positions itself with cultural and social studies. Its aim is to approach the study of the role of popular music in a slightly different way from other researchers on this subject. Initially the author states that few studies work directly with the people who use and consumer music. The study therefore aims to change this by asking people directly what their experience of music is, instead of making theories that do not in interact with reality. The author emphasises the need to concentrate on the real experiences which people have, or say they have, in relation to music. Related to this is the aim to explore what the author refers to as the ‘everydayness’ of music. Rather than focusing on the cultural significance of music through issues such as identity construction, the paper aims to explore the possibility that these issues of music consumption are in fact less important than the more mundane and routine uses of music in everyday life, as a background noise whose meanings are irrelevant. She focuses on the ‘fallacy of meaningfulness’, arguing that music doesn’t necessarily have to be significant or used to define a particular group or consumed by a particular ethnic group or social class. The methodology used by the author involves the use of unstructured informal discussions with three groups of GCSE sociology students, around fifteen years old. Three groups of four to five students were involved in one discussion, all on the same day. There were fewer boys than girls in all

The American Dream Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The American Dream - Research Paper Example The core fabric of the American dream is the fact any individual is capable of attaining the level of success desirable depending on their ability and achievements. Essentially, the American dream envisions an environment where thrift and hard work are the defining factors of the success of an individual. The issues of race and background do not in any obstruct a person in their pursuit for a better and fulfilling life. In the modern times, the definition of the American Dream has significantly changed to reflect the changing times. Some people hold the belief that the American Dream means the pursuit of money. The ability to purchase a big house, own an expensive car and afford exotic holidays seems the motivation of a number of American citizens. Yet to some, the basic freedom to live in a society free from fear literally defines their American Dream. Both ways, the quest for material wealth and freedom still remain the central themes of the modern definition of the American Dream. According Adams (1931), the American dream is not merely a pursuit of cars and high wages, rather a dream of social order creating a society whereby every individual is able to attain the peak of achievement which they are created capable of. Further, each individual deserves the right to be recognized irrespective of their position or the unchangeable circumstances of birth. He further points out that the pursuit of this dream should not sideline other individuals in the pursuit of their goals. The shifts in the modern society have made it almost impossible for every individual to have equal footing; it is hard to ignore the bitter truth that the circumstances where each individual grows in have a tremendous impact on their ability to attain prosperity in the future. Of course the classic story of rags to riches still reverberates throughout the nation. But in reality, sometimes the odds are so great that in surmounting them to attain prosperity, one may have opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their prosperity. Indeed, the parody of our times is people working long hours to buy nice cars and big homes yet they spend over two thirds of their time tied in their work place. It is also necessary to note that it is easier for people coming from a prosperous background to achieve success than those that come from poor backgrounds. Comparing two people of equal capability and with equal opportunity, the differentiating factor will be the initial background. As Mathew (2008) puts it, in the pursuit of wealth you can never run faster than your shadow however hard you may try. The truth is that inequalities in the society serve as impediments in the pursuit of self fulfillment. Growing disparities in class and social stratification make it difficult for the individuals from humble backgrounds to pursue the American Dream. In his article â€Å"Changing Concepts of The American Dream†, Mathew (2008) points out that many Americans no longer entertain the vision fo r future success through hard work and sweat. Rather, most individuals covet a short cut to wealth. This partly explains the recent obsession with get-rich-schemes throughout the nation. Large prize television game shows have also become immensely popular who call in during the shows2. The CNN Memorial2 list a one Charles Henry Karczewski who was a benefits consultant at AON Group. In a tribute for him, his wife says that he loved that â€Å"stupid trade center†

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Challenges in implementing a Total Quality Management system in a Thesis Proposal

Challenges in implementing a Total Quality Management system in a culturally diversified workforce - Thesis Proposal Example The research proposal critically analyzes the problems faced by management in implementing Total Quality Management for better services and concludes on the efficient steps that top management can take (Perry & Heron, 2003). Total Quality Management (TQM) is an essential business strategy which creates and embeds awareness of quality in the institutional process of implementing its duties. It is the organization-wide management of quality and it encompasses planning, organizing, control and assurance. It is the concern of many organizations to ensure that the services they offer are of high quality to satisfy the stakeholders. Quality of products is the basis of TQM. The approach is centered on the quality as a way forward of realizing long term success through customer success (Perry & Heron, 2003). What are the effects of cultural diversity on implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) process? What are the challenges that organizations face in implementing TQM in culturally diversified workforce? The questions of the research proposal are very paramount and interesting since the research will be driven by the questions. The questions guide the researcher especially when collecting information or data to be used in ascertaining the actual impacts of cultural diversity on organizations. The research questions will act as the framework throughout the research work. When the researcher is out in the field, he will be using the questions to know whether they are collecting the right data. On the other hand, the questions are very relevant to the management of an organization because they use them to take corrective measures. Diversity in the workplace is a common phenomenon that has both negative and positive impacts on management and implementation of different operations in an organization. Past research conducted reveals that differences between different stakeholders impact the process of

MGT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

MGT - Essay Example When workers are happy, they enjoy their work and this is more preferable than using other systems to improve productivity. This paper will provide evidence that happy or satisfied workers are more productive in the workplaces. Ropella highlights that there are factors that influence and contribute to employee satisfaction. The first factor is the work environment and it is concerned with the internal working environment of the employees. This environment entails feelings and attitudes on their colleague employees and the job itself. It is important for the employees to feel included in the larger organizational team to enhance productivity. The second factor is the ability to achieve the desired organizational objectives and it is concerned with the determination of the employee’s capacity and potential to achieve the set goals in their work. The other factor is the rewards and compensation for work done by the employees. Recognition for a good job done creates a feeling of happiness and motivation towards productivity. Business knowledge is another factor and it is concerned with the necessity of informing the employees on how the business works and on the finances of the organization. When employ ees are aware of the operations of the business, it enhances their productivity. The last factor is client relations and it is concerned with good relationships between customers and the employees. When the relations are favorable, employees are motivated to perform better. Furthermore, Kjerulf highlights various reasons why satisfied or happy workers at the workplace are more productive. The first reason is that happy workers work better with others in the workplace to enhance productivity. In this case, when employees are happy, they are more fun to work with other people hence improving working relations, which translate to higher productivity. The second reason is that workers satisfaction enhances creativity at work. Happy workers are able to generate

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Challenges in implementing a Total Quality Management system in a Thesis Proposal

Challenges in implementing a Total Quality Management system in a culturally diversified workforce - Thesis Proposal Example The research proposal critically analyzes the problems faced by management in implementing Total Quality Management for better services and concludes on the efficient steps that top management can take (Perry & Heron, 2003). Total Quality Management (TQM) is an essential business strategy which creates and embeds awareness of quality in the institutional process of implementing its duties. It is the organization-wide management of quality and it encompasses planning, organizing, control and assurance. It is the concern of many organizations to ensure that the services they offer are of high quality to satisfy the stakeholders. Quality of products is the basis of TQM. The approach is centered on the quality as a way forward of realizing long term success through customer success (Perry & Heron, 2003). What are the effects of cultural diversity on implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) process? What are the challenges that organizations face in implementing TQM in culturally diversified workforce? The questions of the research proposal are very paramount and interesting since the research will be driven by the questions. The questions guide the researcher especially when collecting information or data to be used in ascertaining the actual impacts of cultural diversity on organizations. The research questions will act as the framework throughout the research work. When the researcher is out in the field, he will be using the questions to know whether they are collecting the right data. On the other hand, the questions are very relevant to the management of an organization because they use them to take corrective measures. Diversity in the workplace is a common phenomenon that has both negative and positive impacts on management and implementation of different operations in an organization. Past research conducted reveals that differences between different stakeholders impact the process of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organization Development and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Organization Development and Change - Essay Example ventions utilized can be categorized into â€Å"human process interventions, technostructural interventions, human resource management interventions and strategic change interventions.† (Cummings, T. & Worley, C., 2008) These methods of facilitating change are similar, and yet different, in several ways. Their first similarity is that they all share a common end result; that is, to promote changes in an organization. Another similar aspect is that all of these interventions have specific target areas where these changes should be implemented. For example, human process interventions are applied to improve how individuals in the organization relate to each other in the workplace. As Cummings and Worley (2008) stated, this kind of intervention focuses its attention on the employees and the processes such as communication, leadership, problem solving, and group decision making which help the employees complete the goals set by the organization. Meanwhile, technostructural interventions concerns itself with technology and how the people in the organization can better utilize systems in the performance of their duties. Human resource management interventions target the proper integration of employees into the organization while strategic change interventions worry itself with how the organization can be competitive in the industry. Since they all focus on different aspects of an organization, the var ious intervention are deemed to be more efficient in affecting change. One more similarity that the major categories share is that even though they target different aspects of a company, they were designed according to an â€Å"understanding of the situational contingencies† (Cummings, T. & Worley, C., 2008) that may exist in the organization. It is only with a better knowledge of the status quo can the OD practitioner decide which form of intervention is necessary to implement change. As mentioned earlier in this paper, the four type of intervention do not only share

Monday, October 14, 2019

Critique on Article The Ends of Happiness Essay Example for Free

Critique on Article The Ends of Happiness Essay Dr Karl Giberson is a professor at Eastern Nazarene College with a PHD in Physics from Rice University. A man approaching his fifties at the writing of this article, Giberson’s solution to his mid-life crisis was to write an article â€Å"The Ends of Happiness†. His article was well written and he tries to impart his experiences with happiness to young adults. In the article, Giberson claims that happiness should be the end result of our efforts and he provides a compelling argument why we should not get caught up in our pursuit of happiness through materialistic gains. However, his arguments to back his thesis are inadequate due to an inherent contradiction in his supporting point and one unproven assumption in his article. Giberson (2006) uses the Candy Experiment with children to prove his point that our ability to withhold satisfaction leads to a â€Å"life time of happiness† (para. 5). He further explains that â€Å"unpleasant means can yield satisfying ends† (2006). This implies that our happiness will increase if we are able to set aside the things that make us happy, and work towards our goal. However, in his later argument, the author seems to imply that the happiest moments in his life, were times when he did not work towards materialistic gains. For instance, he claims he â€Å"lived well†, when he â€Å"left work early† and spent his time with his family (Giberson, 2006, para.12, 13 14). This illustrates his point that the most memorable moments in life comes from relationships as opposed to material gains (Giberson, 2006). While the latter argument supports his thesis, the former contradicts it by implying that happiness is something to be achieved through materialistic gains. This is shown in Giberson’s example about a student graduating with â€Å"greater earning power† (2006) and how this ability â€Å"is the formula for a lifetime of happiness† (Giberson, 2006, para. 5). Furthermore, Giberson’s argument seems to be contingent on one major assumption. That happiness gained from acquiring things, is less meaningful than happiness gained from spending time with family and friends. To illustrate his point, he cites evidence from his own memories. He states that memories gained from family time are clearer than the memories of â€Å"buying his first car† and â€Å"cashing his first paycheck† (Giberson, 2006, para.14). Giberson then applies this line of reasoning to back his thesis by showing us how happiness from material gains alone reduces our overall happiness as our social interactions decrease (Giberson, 2006). However, such opinionated evidence provides weak support to his thesis and even though he did not plan on writing a scientific article, using personal memories to validate such a major assumption weakens his argument substantially. In conclusion, Giberson has indeed written a well-structured editorial with many coherent and interesting points. However, contradicting arguments and one unsupported assumption in the article has undermined his thesis and weakened his argument. Giberson’s thesis would have fared much better had he quoted from valid sources instead of his own personal experiences. Reference Giberson, K. (2006, Mar. Apr.). The Ends Of Happiness. Science Spirit, 17, 6-7.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Purpose and importance of advertising

Purpose and importance of advertising Defining Advertising is the non-personal communication of giving information usually paid for which usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. Now, I would like to lets take this statement apart and see what it should be. Advertising is bringing a product and service to the attention of potential and current customers. Advertising is focused on one particular product or service. Thus, an advertising plan for one product might be very different than that for another product. Advertising is typically done with signs, brochures, commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages, personal contact, etc. The first assumption that was queried related to purchasing itself, in terms of what advertising would achieve if it was effective. This assumption was advertising achieved the conversion. In the sense of converting loyal user of the other brand to loyal users of the brand advertised. We pointed out that this pattern, although it could on occasion be found in actual purchasing sequences, was actually quite rare. It also happen in this case: I have always bought brand B, but now I have the advertising for brand A has persuaded me that it is better in fulfill my requirement under the advertisement, so in future I will buy brand A The advertisement pointed out that strengthen of the product which mean its communicating with the people. First, what is non-personal advertising? There are two basic ways to sell anything: personally and non-personally. Personal selling requires the seller and the buyer to get together. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The first advantage is time: the seller has time to discuss in detail everything about the product. The buyer has time to ask questions, get answers, and examine evidence for or against purchase. Next, the seller can easily locate potential buyers. If you enter a store, you probably have an interest in something that store sells. Street vendors and door-to-door sellers can simply shout at possibilities, like McDonaldsretailer shop who call out, I say there, I would like to order food?, or knock at the door and start their spiel with an attention grabber. From there on they fit their message to the individual customer, taking all the time a customer is willing to give them. Disadvantages do exist. Personal selling is, naturally enough, expensive, since it is labor-intensive and deals with only one buyer at a time. Just imagine trying to sell chewing gum or guitar picks one-on-one; it would cost a dollar a stick or pick. In addition, its advantage of time is also a disadvantage. Personal selling is time-consuming. Selling a stereo or a car can take days, and major computer and airplane sales can take years. Nonetheless, although personal selling results in more rejections than sales, and can be nerve-racking, frustrating and ego destroying for the salesperson, when the salesperson is good it is more directed and successful than advertising. From the above, it appears that personal selling is much better than advertising, which is non-personal. This is true. Advertising has none of the advantages of personal selling: there is very little time in which to present the sales message, there is no way to know just who the customer is or how them is responding to the message, the message cannot be changed in mid-course to suit the customers reactions. Then why bother with advertising? Because its advantages exactly replace the disadvantages of personal selling and can emulate some of the advantages. First lets look at the latter. First, advertising has, comparatively speaking, all the time in the world. Unlike personal selling, the sales message and its presentation does not have to be created on the spot with the customer watching. It can be created in as many ways as the writer can conceive, be rewritten, tested, modified, injected with every trick and appeal known to affect consumers. (Some of the latter is the content of this book.) Second, although advertisers may not see the individual customer, nor be able to modify the sales message according to that individuals reactions at the time, it does have research about customers. The research can identify potential customers, find what message elements might influence them, and figure out how best to get that message to them. Although the research is meaningless when applied to any particular individual, it is effective when applied to large groups of customers. Third, and perhaps of most importance, advertising can be far cheaper per potential customer than personal selling. Personal selling is extremely labor-intensive, dealing with one customer at a time. Advertising deals with hundreds, thousands, or millions of customers at a time, reducing the cost per customer to mere pennies. In fact, advertising costs are determined in part using a formula to determine, not cost per potential customer, but cost per thousand potential customers. Thus, it appears that advertising is a good idea as a sales tool. For small ticket items, such as chewing gum and guitar picks, advertising is cost effective to do the entire selling job. For large ticket items, such as cars and computers, advertising can do a large part of the selling job, and personal selling is used to complete and close the sale. Advertising is non-personal, but effective. Facebook advertising method C:UsersYonGDesktopdddd.png The red arrow showing the Facebook advertisement People treat Facebook as an authentic part of their lives, so you can be sure you are connecting with real people with real interest in your products. Facebook Ads provided CM Photographic the ability to target their exact demographic 24-30 year old women whose relationship status on Facebook indicated that they were engaged. Over 12 months, CM Photographic generated nearly $40,000 in revenue directly from a $600 advertising investment on Facebook. Of the Facebook users who were directed to CM Photographic website from the ads, 60% became qualified leads and actively expressed interest in more information. I have found [Facebook Ads] SO effective. My business wouldnt be anywhere close to where it is today if it werent for Facebook, and the ads campaign. Chris Meyer, President From the information given, Facebook Ads makes it easy and cost-effective to quickly set up and manage your campaign. G5 found success setting up a series of Facebook Ad campaigns targeted to college students at 21 campuses prior to Summer break for StorQuestself-service storage facilities. Real-time suggested bids for our auction-based system provided guidance that enabled G5 to hone ad effectiveness based on their various targeting filters (age, college level and location). The results from StorQuests Facebook ad campaign were one of their highest performing online advertising efforts: Over 50% increase in total rentals versus prior year at the same store. 10% conversion rate from visits originating from Facebook Ads. On par with Google AdWords on a cost-per-lead and cost-per-customer basis. $1.25 CPC delivered $10.25 cost-per-lead. When you have a broader presence on Facebook with Facebook Pages or Facebook Events plus ads for instance, you can turn your advertising message into a trusted referral by including content from a users friends who are already affiliated with your products. ANA took this approach by creating a Facebook Page to acquire interested users for on-going messaging opportunities and developing a compelling advertising campaign. ANA used a creative grouping of keywords to target advertising to users specifically interested in traveling and Japanese culture and developed ad creative that resonated with their audience. Average campaigns for ANA result in CTR of 8 12%. Facebook Ads resulted in a 25% CTR. Conversions resulted in positive ROI which is unique for ANA considering their product is not an impulse purchase for most people and Japan is not traditionally seen as a leisure destination. If the company is running a Facebook Ad Campaign, they can choose to target Social Actions in their campaigns. With this feature enabled, those people who fan the Page may see the Ad listed among their News Feeds. Companies can also use the Facebook messaging system to communicate with their fans. The advantages and disadvantages of Facebook advertising method Advantages of Facebook advertising method Facebook Advertising. The popularity of facebook has become the top social network while its advertising is truly a goldmine for advertiser to use it as the facebook player owned over 39 billion page views a month and 400 million active users, its really a huge traffic source for firm to advertise their goods and service ,just like the way of there is a market ,supply will occurs when there is demand. The huge profit of Facebook advertising to internet marketing specialists and online advertisers is the social networking websites massive user base. In February 2010, Facebooks is celebrate of having 400 million active users from all around the world and the figure is still growing quickly. According to figure shows that the average Facebook user spends around 55 minutes a day on this social networking website.this is a positive symptom for the firm to advertise their goods on facebook as there are higher possibilities to let user to notice their ads. Highly Targeted Online Marketing Campaigns, Facebook advertising offers social media traffic instead of using typical tradisional search traffic. The new type or searching had leads to a different demographic targeting options, along with searching by unique keyword system. Facebooks advertising platform operate in a certain area or products that are designed for a specific age range. The facebook advertising media ,makes nine different ways to target audiences which are Location, Age, Gender, Keywords , Education, Workplace, Relationship Status, Relationship, Interests, Languages. All these are important to firm as they get to know which kind of consumer they are targeting . Customer Reach 400 million customers (100 million mobile users) cannot be ignored. Yes, there are more Google searches that are being done and one could argue that Google Ad words can reach more but with usage time on social media channels continuing to soar, the customer reach for Facebook advertising is monumental and needs to be utilized. Increased Targeting Because of its ability to dissect and segment customer information, Facebook has the ability to offer increased targeting for their advertisers. If you would like to only target women, ages 25-35 with a college education who live in Glendale, California, then you can do that. Similary when someone changes status (married, single, engaged) they move into new markets, making them more attractive to target. CPM or PPC Option Most ad networks only offer one or the other. Facebook allows you to determine whether you are more focused on exposure and awareness (CPM) or focused on conversion and providing more information (PPC). You must understanding your audience first, but it is nice to know that the option is there. Successful with Local Clients With the ability to target locally very precise, companies and services that are looking for local or regional clients can reap benefits from the Facebook advertising system. Disadvantages of Facebook advertising method Low Conversion Rates for eCommerce People are using Facebook to talk with their friends and socialize and rarely are thinking about buying something when they log into their Facebook account. This creates issues when companies are focusing on click through rate and high (>2.5-5%) conversion rates. Weird, Irrevelant Ads One thing that Facebook has continued to try and crack down on is advertising campaigns that make their way into the system that are irrevelant and are, at times, off putting to users of the system. Free giveways, rewards programs and humor sites have continued to flood the system, giving the ads less relevance when the consumer is viewing them. High PPC Cost for Niche Markets Marketers and bloggers have complained that PPC costs for niche markets, that would normally provide a low cost, are similar to pricing for general terms and demographic targeting. Facebook will need to continue to optimize their pricing model to make sure niche markets like chicago wedding photographers can afford to use this engine to attract traffic to their site. Costs-per-click tend to be higher than other companies for popular niches. Not as versatile as Google, for instance, with no suggestion of keywords. You really need to know your market to make conversions. These users are not on Facebook to buy. There are there to socialize. On the other hand, when someone types in size 8, Calvin Klein, white skinny body jeans into a search engine, she wants to buy. Someone on Facebook talking about or interested in designer jeans is not necessarily interested in your ad to sell them jeans. Facebook is more private in the sense that people keep to themselves, and trust their group or clique. You have to bother people while they are doing something they enjoy, like looking at Grandmas photos or exchanging recipes with girlfriends. This is called interruption marketing and is not always seen in a positive light. FB is not a direct sales venue. You need to understand how a sales funnel works to build trust to get leads rather than sales on the spur of t he moment. Can consume resources and waste a lot of money. With Adwords, it is possible to test ads by showing two similar ads to everyone. This is apparently not effective on Facebook because you are not targeting whole countries. And many internet marketers say it is too costly to experiment. Users complain that ads are not relevant to their interests so they have no reason to even go further. Improvement for facebook advertising method IQ Tests Ads IQ tests are by far the most popular advertisement scams on Facebook. While browsing the Facebook social network, youre sure to have come across ads that display the fake IQ test results of your friends or celebrities. In a pure case of I know they arent smarter than me most Facebook users are baited into falling for the IQ test advertisement scam. These ads are made to fit well into the design of Facebook, but once clicked; this scam will redirect you to another website where all of the scamming will begin. Ironically, by clicking the link of this advertisement scam, youve already failed the real IQ test. These ads will have you answer a list of seemingly legitimate questions, but in the end, they sink their teeth in for the real scam. In order to see the results of your IQ test, youll have to sign over your first born child submit your cell phone number and will be charged as much as $20 a month. Nice going smarty pants. Dating Ads Facebook is plagued with thousands of ads with scantily clad, well endowed, and playfully slutty women that happen to be single, and by sheer coincidence live in your hometown. Dating advertisement scams usually say things like Lonely, 18 (21), and single, Im bored, half naked, and looking to get completely naked tonight or other messages that should immediately trigger your brain with a scam alert; if all the blood in your body hadnt escaped from your brain to gather in another area. These ads are nothing but dating site scams and youll be out of cash just to receive teases on another site. To publish to people who have liked your Web page, Open Graph tags must be added to the Web page. The required Open Graph tags for publishing can be found. Once added, you can publish via our interface by clicking on the admin page link to the right of the Like button.( link only visible to the admins defined via Open Graph tags on the Web page). The best pratices for publishing is we found that involving emoational topics, passinate debates, and imprortant storts event have the activity of other stories. Status updates which ask simple question or encourage a user to like the story which haven given and stories publisher in the early morning or later evening have higher engagement. Banner advertising method C:UsersYonGDesktopasdasdasdad.png The Arrow showing the banner advertising method A banner ad is an image shown on a webpage for advertising purposes. Along with animation, contemporary ad banners often use simple forms of interaction as a lure, taking advantage of plug-ins such as Flash and Shockwave to create banner-based games. As you can see, advertisers came to the conclusion that banner ads were not as effective as full-page magazine ads or 30-second TV commercials. At the same time, there was an incredible glut of advertising space, thousands of sites had a million or more page impressions available per month, and companies like DoubleClick began collecting these sites into massive pools of banner-ad inventory. The economic principle of supply and demand works the same way on the Web as it does everywhere else, so the rates paid for banner advertising began to plummet. Undoubtedly you know what banner ads are; youve seen innumerable ones as youve surfed across countless websites. You may have already clicked on a number of them. Banner ads take different shapes and sizes, and many forms and styles, but they share a common goal: attracting visitors! Banner ads usually contain graphics, sometimes they are entirely text and others they use graphics and text. The main idea of a banner ad is to present an interesting idea to the surfer and have them click on it for more information, leading them to the advertisers site. Banner ads come in many sizes, the most popular, is a full banner (468 x 60), but all styles are used. Some people claim you should stay away from using full banner ads as they are already so common that most surfers avoid them. Obviously placing banners that advertise your site on other websites costs money. There are several ways of paying for this type of advertising. You may pay per click on the banner; per thousand clicks; per sales to visitors directed to you, or another form. How much banner ads work for you will depend on a variety of things? Where you place the ads, how relevant the sites hosting the ad are to your site; what your ads look like, how appealing they are; how clear they are about what you are advertising, etc. Placing the ads on sites related to yours is vitally important, i.e. people surfing for watches will probably not be interested in an ad for parachutes. Your ads should be attractive, preferably animated, clear and to the point. They should be advertising a specific product or service, not just the name of your site. People who click on the ad should be able to find the product or service in question with relative ease. Ideally, the ad should lead directly to it. The advantages and disadvantages of Banner advertising method Advantages of using Banner advertising method Get a structured and well thought out campaign advantages of hiring a banner advertising agency to conduct your campaign is the fact that your campaign will be in the hands of the professionals and therefore it will be conducted in a sensible and professional manner. This structured campaign will also lead to better results. You will also save a lot of time when you hire a company such as this. This is because you will not have to spend any time figuring out the ground work. Professionally designed banners and email marketing agencies have professionals that work on the job. Therefore you can be assured that if you outsource your campaign to them you will have banners that are professional looking and catchy promoting your products. You must remember that a banner will be of no use if it cannot grab the attention of the people on that page. Getting your banner advertisement designed by the professionals give you a clear cut advantage as the professionals know exactly what works and what doesnt. Being in the right place at the right time another very big advantage that you have when you hire an online advertising agency to help with your banner advertising is the fact that they know exactly where to place you banner to ensure that you get the desired results. Banners such as these can only be placed on websites that have content similar to what the banner is promoting. Therefore instead of you doing all the research to figure out where you banner can be placed, the agency will do it for you. That way you get to focus on other aspects of your business Low cost is the main thing. Even if the Internet ads can be displayed as very comprehensive compared to other media, it is definitely much cheaper than most. Internet Ad Packages are offered as low as $ 10.00 for a period of one month, or by a set amount of hits, depending on the advertiser you go with. Disadvantages of using banner advertising method Online banner advertising provides a method of getting click through to the advertisers site. The biggest of the online advertising disadvantages, is cost. Banner ads are also being frowned upon because it affects website speed and traffic. Like any other graphics, banner ads take time to load. This and the idea that they create clutter can discourage some visitors. Another of the online advertising disadvantages is that bigger ads catch attention. But not every advertiser can afford bigger ads and oftentimes, the banner exchanges only accept a standard ad size. Finally, some search engines never have or are no longer accepting banner ad placements, relying instead on targeted ads and paid listings. To them, the most important of the online advertising disadvantages is interference with the user experience. For example, Google, the number one search engine, offers a user-friendly interface that relies on contextual advertising. Basically, they put text ads on non-search pages that fit based on content. Using online banner images can really come in handy. Especially if you do not have your own website. You can normally just copy and paste the codes in and have your banner up and running. They are great for websites to. But there are some times when your banner may stop working. If this happens to you then here are a few troubleshooting problems that may solve the issue. The biggest reason why most online banner images stop working is because people make chances to the codes they were given. They chance where the banner links to or rewrite what is in the alt section. Doing this can get your banner codes deleted from their service without warning. This will leave you will a image with a small red x in the middle. You must not chance the code at all to keep the image working. A simple solution to this is to download the image to your PC and then upload it to your web hosting service. Then you can link your ad to any place you want without fear of it being cancelled. Unfortunately some free site services do not give you this option so you will have to use the codes as they are given to you. You can always create your own link underneath the banner for people to click to if that helps. Another one of those troubleshooting problems can be quite simple. You may not have copied all of the code you were given. Just missing one character can prevent your online banner image from working. Double check to make sure that you got all of the code. Sometimes a banner can get blocked by other java scripts on your site. Your troubleshooting problems could start with you removing other codes off your site one by one to see which one is blocking it. When you find the right one you will then have to decide which one stays or goes. Since not all codes can work on the same page at the same time it will be a little bit of a challenge to find the code that your online banners image does work with. Unless you have lots of different codes it shouldnt take you long to find. It could be a easy as the banner site that you used have either went offline or experiencing technical difficulties. Check to see if they still exist and if they do contact them with your problem. There are times when you can run into issues of your online banner images working on the web from other computers but not from yours. This is one of those troubleshooting problems that can be confusing. There could be several reasons why this may occur. You may just need to update your java software to the latest version. There could be spyware that is blocking the code from coming up so scan your PC with the protection you are using and with an online service you trust. If you decide to rent the help of a professional, a freelancer or a company for the production of your site and /or advertising for your product or service, of course it costs more than if you did it yourself. For more information logon to .While the costs can advance an initial disadvantage, the results in the long term may in fact be very beneficial if you have the right people to work with. Improvement of using banner advertising method Using banner advertising effectively and to create a banner ads isnt all that difficult, you just need to know what to do right? For those of you who dont know this marketing method: its a paid marketing method to promote your business or product by means of placing a banner advertisement on other websites. This could either be a banner exchange, or you simply pay another website to have your banner placed. It is a very powerful and effective method if you know how to design a good banner ad. Lets take a closer look. Using Banner Advertising Effectively 3 Golden Rules For Effective Banner Ads Golden rule 1. Whats the benefit for your customers? Effective banner ads will always communicate the main benefit(s) to your prospective clients. If your product makes people loose weight for instance, then its obvious to make your headline something like: Loose 10 Pounds In Just One Week! Banner ads will have to include the benefit of your product or service in the main headline. Communicating benefits to people gets your attention. Effectively implementing banner advertising generates a much higher click through rate. Golden Rule 2. Graphics are not as effective as text! When using banners for advertising, you also want the headline of the banner ad to stand out. Make the headline (thus the benefit of your product or business) in big bolded letters. I always use the Arial font for my effective banner ads. This font is easy to read from computer screens. Using banner advertising effectively means that you also need to include another 2-3 lines of text to the banner. Perhaps you can mention some extra benefits or additional info about the service, product or business. Check out the site you are going to banner advertise. Golden Rule 3. Include instructions for your prospects. Tell them what to do next!A lack of communication in banner ads will make your campaign fail. If you want to start using banner advertising effectively, a banner ad MUST include a Call-2-Action. Instruct your audience what to do. Include text that tell people what to do such as Show Me Now, Visit Us Now or Show Me The Biz. It will make the click through rate go up and so will the conversions to sales, generating more profits for you. Of course there are many more golden rules to follow for effective banner ads, but the above 3 are the most important for using banner advertising effectively. Using the method of advertising with banners and creating banner ads that are effective is just one method of marketing to advertise your business and to drive traffic to your website. Let me show you where you can see all the other 50 or so proven and powerful marketing methods, strategies tips and tricks to market virtually any product or business online. Pop-up advertising method A pop-up ad is an ad that pops up in its own window when you go to a page. It obscures the Web page that you are trying to read, so you have to close the window or move it out of the way. Pop-under ads are similar, but place themselves under the content you are trying to read and are therefore less intrusive. A typical site with two pop-up ads that appear on top of the home page A pop-up ad is a pop-up window used for advertising. When the program is initiated by some user action, such as a mouse click or a mouse over , a window containing an offer for some product or service appears in the foreground of the visual interface. Like all pop-ups, a pop-up ad is smaller than the background interface windows that fill the user interface are called replacement interfaces and usually resembles a small browser window with only the close, minimize, and maximize options at the top. A variation on the pop-up ad, the pop-under , is a window that loads behind the Web page that youre viewing, only to appear when you leave that Web site. Pop-up and pop-under ads annoy many users because they clutter up the desktop and take time to close. However, they are much more effective than banner ads. Whereas a banner ad might get two to five clicks per 1,000 impressions, a pop-up ad might average 30 clicks. Therefore, advertisers are willing to pay more for pop-up and pop-under ads. Typically, a pop-up ad will pay the Web site four to 10 times more than a banner ad. That is why you see so many pop-up ads on the Web today. Pop-up windows come in many different shapes and sizes, typically in a scaled-down browser window with only the Close, Minimize and Maximize commands. There is a strong resentment by some Web surfers towards pop-up ads. Marketers often do not realize the ill-will generated by pop-ups because it is easier to click the close button than send an email to complain. What can often be seen is an above-average click-through rate, although some of this can come from false positives, unintentional clicks when the pop-up gets in the way of the desired target. Advertisers can get a better picture of the effectiveness of pop-up advertising by paying attention to conversion rates and return on investment (ROI). Pop-up ads are not popular with the average Web surfer, and there are several products that disable them, such as Pop-up Stopper, Pop-up Killer, and Pop-up Annihilator. One thing to look for in such a program is the ability to differentiate between user-initiated pop-up windows and others, because many other applications (such as Webcast s, for example) make use of pop-up windows. If a pop-up stopper utility cant tell the difference between a pop-up window that the user has requested and an unsought pop-up ad, the program may cause more problems for the user than it solves. The advantages and disadvantages of pop-up advertising method Advantages of using pop-up advertising method they offer the example of Web giants like Yahoo! and Google Inc. who also offer their users pop-up ads. The site owners cite this precedent as justification for using pop-up ad

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The story of an hour Essay example -- essays research papers

The Story of an Hour – by Kate Chopin Kate Chopin wrote a short story about women’s liberation in the 19. century. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour† we are introdused to Mrs Mallard who is told that her husband is dead. Mrs Mallard has got heart troubles, and therefore the sad news are brought to her carefully by her sister and her husband’s friend Richard. Mrs Mallard reacts with grief and she wants to be alone, so she locks herself into her room. At first, I got the impression that Mrs Mallard was sad because of her husband’s death. But as I kept on reading I understood that this wasn’t the case at all. Mrs Mallard is pretending she is mourning over her husband’s death. She gives the expression that she wants to be alone with her grief, so she locks herself into her room. But because of the third person limited point of view, we know what is really going on inside Mrs Mallard’s mind. In her room Mrs Mallard sinks into a roomy armchair, and when she looks outside her window she sees â€Å"the tops of trees in the open square before her house, and they are all aquiver with the new spring life†. â€Å"The delicious breath of rain was in the air and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves†. This indicates that Mrs Mallard isn’t mourning at all. She senses positive vibrations and starts to taste her freedom. Freedom is an unfamiliar feeling to Mrs Mallard. But suddenly she begins to recognize the feeling and she is repeting the word â€Å"free† to herself over and over again. â€Å"The vacant...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Discrimination in the United States Today

Two blue and white school buses pull out of TC Williams High School parking lot destined for Gettysburg College, the site for this summer's football camp. Parents looked on with expressions of disgust and worry as their sons disappeared around the corner, now under control of the new black head coach, Herman Boone. Every seat on the bus was to be occupied by one white and one black football player. Players either stared off into space or out the window in order to avoid any contact with the player sitting beside them.The year was 1971 and this was going to be the first season the Titans played as an integrated school with both blacks and whites on the football team. The season would be characterized by hate, crime, brotherhood and determination and triumph. Despite their differences in appearance and the disapproval of the town they left behind, the team would need to come together as brothers to bring home the perfect season so that everyone would remember the Titans.According to Me rriam – Webster dictionary, the definition of racism is â€Å"a belief that race is the primary determinant of human trait and capacities and racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race† (Merriam Webster Dictionary 484). Racism has existed in our culture throughout human history in many different forms. Differences in skin color, language and customs have influenced the way people view and treat others. Racism has influenced past wars with slavery, caused segregation in the US in the 1960s and early '70s, and is present still today in the form of discrimination.The first documented form of racism in the US may have been slavery. Even though slavery was eventually banned in America, segregation continued. Not until many years later did the blacks received the same rights as white people. Still today, racism between ethnic groups is evident in the form of discrimination. Despite the efforts many have made to put an end to racism, eliminating a ll traces of it is ultimately impossible. Racism is still alive and well in the United States today.Issues on racial profiling, corporate downsizing, layoffs in the industry, racial and class segregation, hyper – segregation, economic racism and institutional racism are but just some of the living proofs to this kind of discrimination happening around us. It has been a struggle our forefathers have battled out and today, it has still not seen an end. It has and still continues to endure since time immemorial. The struggle to impede partiality from affecting law enforcement practices is as patriarchal as the Constitution of the United States itself.Also adversely, for the most part of our past, partiality peace enforcement – founded on fear rather than evidence – has been prevalent and futile (ACLU 4). Since the disaster of September 11, America have witnessed a boost in the country's desire to let pass law enforcement and defense practices founded mainly on skin pigmentation or other permanent attributes, and a certain desire on the end of the present administration to administer such procedures (ACLU 4). The country's Asian, Muslim and Arab populace are very much affected by such physical assaults.Rules chiefly laid out to impact specific classes usually end in the damage of the human rights of everyone involved. Furthermore, racism causes the United States to be less secure as a nation, considering the inadequate law enforcement assets are redirected and people who would rather not to be subjected to government perlustration are pinpointed (ACLU 4). The disaster of September 11 has created general counter – immigrant perception tolerable in the law enforcement and civil defense actions integrate prejudice into their implementation (ACLU 4).Ever since the disaster of the September 11 insurgent assault, it has been the legitimate tactics of the administration to hold, cross – examine and arrest beyond criminal offense  œ usually for long – term on the grounds of their native roots, race and faith. Actually, the very insertion of civil defense exclusion in the guidelines is an affirmation by the justice department that depends on racism and discrimination in its local anti – insurgent efforts (ACLU 5). Racism is at all times at odds with the nation's central statutory principles of impartiality and justice.Law enforcement founded on general attributes in the likes of ethnicity, faith and native roots, instead on the analysis of a person's conduct, is a faulty and useless action for guaranteeing civil (ACLU 6). During the times shortly after the September 11 insurgent attacks, the justice department began what measured to a comprehensive agenda of defensive arrest. It was the initial huge – scope arrest of a set of people on the grounds of their native roots or descent since the inhumation of Japanese – American at the time of the Second World War.In the period of the ins urgent assaults, civic personnel pierced through Asian, Muslim and Arab territories all over the United States, grabbing them from pathways, and even inside their residences, offices and places of worship (ACLU 9). The cluster and detention of a large number of the population were subjected under a strange disguise of cover – up, abandoning wives, offspring, schoolmates and bosses suspecting the victim's whereabouts and speculating on the identity of the next captive (ACLU 9).The individual expenses of the authority’s racism policies are immeasurable: diligent, obedient citizens abruptly finding themselves bound arms and foot, detained incommunicado in lone incarceration for over a month each; estranged from relations; residences and workplaces lost and existence flipped right side facing down. For most people, the ultimate defeat of all time is actually the harsh discovery that the place they came to call as their own, the very one which swore liberty and prospective, favored them no more (ACLU 11).The application of segregating by ethnic group, background, faith or native land runs opposite to what is questionably the central theory of democracy: each and everyone are made equal, and are at liberty must be dealt with unvaryingly by the government, notwithstanding immutable self like skin pigmentation, religion, ethnic or national roots (ACLU 18). For both citizens, either Black or Brown, racial discrimination connotes shorter, not so healthy, less – esteemed lifestyles. Racial discrimination verdict class philosophies and is the thought and tradition of white domination.It is the system of racism and repression based on skin pigmentation, physical appearances, roots and ethnicity. Its foundations can be traced as a validation for slavery and the invasion of the people of the United States. Ever since, slavery in America was attached to the progress and evolution of capitalism. Based on the trade and possession of human beings on the grou nds of their physical appearances and skin tone, its idea was the manipulation of unsettled labor for great earnings.As properties, Africans were sought as if they were animals, brought to now the United States, and then traded on public sale like creatures of inconvenience. Native American Indians suffered the same fate as their African counterparts as they too were murdered on a huge scale (Marshall NP). Ethical and logical reasoning were invented to give reason for this capture, trade, enslavement and mass killings against humanity. As a philosophy, racial discrimination presented the ethical and logical foundations of slavery, the spreading out of colonialism further to the west and the capture of Mexico’s other half.Hence the reason of this set of guidelines was, and even until now is, to set further views and philosophies based on the illusion that people of darker tones are innately low-grade (Marshall NP). The racially prejudiced utilization of the crime subject, incr easing chauvinistic and law enforcement aggression, intensifying separation, criminalization, immigrant – related assaults, rising poverty, living rough and joblessness, amplifying typecasts in media and environmental racial discrimination all signify the intensity of the crisis (Marshall NP).The leanings must be viewed in the perspective of the strengthening of the class efforts. Corporate curb and mass dismissal in the business have resulted to an general drop in the standards of living by the blue – collar workers, particularly the ethnically and nationally demoralized components, and have aggravated the development of racial discrimination. There is a direct relationship between these subject matters (Marshall NP). Capitalism’s general predicament combines a brand new aspect to these issues. Corporate curb and mass dismissal have swept out a lot of the previous reaps opposed to racism in the industry.As the fiscal crisis intensifies, contemporary types of ec onomic racial discrimination are making their presence felt (Marshall NP). Huge rate of joblessness and demarcation are its most straight and stunning result. Rising figures of unemployment cases concerning Asians and their African American counterparts are twice the rate of the Whites. Prolonged joblessness is also exceptionally grave. A huge fraction of those living in the rough are Latinos and Black. Economic racial discrimination’s dreadfulness is mostly observed on its effect on Latinos and Black youths, who predominantly live in penury (Marshall NP).A main attribute of the growth of racial discrimination at the present moment is the height of quality of separation. Segregation has hastened rather than degenerated and happened to be more severe, depicted by pressing destitution and awfully meager situations of life. This is grounds for closer scrutiny of the implication of segregation these days, as more than a consequence of fiscal factors but as a conscious business an d administration policy, with far – reaching repercussions (Marshall NP).It is a consequence of business and administrative policies counting red – lining as well as the former President Reagan’s and current administration’s bureaucrats’ slashes in housing and municipal expenditures, which have brought about the damage of metropolitan zones. The damage on national support for developing and maintaining civic housing projects has lead to disastrous outcomes; other than this is the former President Clinton’s bureaucrats’ unsympathetically racist and influential scheme to utilize HUD taxes to construct prisons (Marshall NP).Ethnic and class separation has created a segregated institutional organization, and played a role in the sudden descending glide of the quality of learning made available for both Latinos and Black youths of society particularly in the United States. The privatization of municipal education is aggravating this crisis and bringing new disparities into the scene (Marshall NP).The problem of segregation confronting all ethnically and nationally demoralized and particularly African Americans are the straightforward consequences of the organizational problems specifically during the later parts of the 1970s and 1980s as well as the industrial cut back of the 1990s. These cultures and neighborhoods must be regarded as an indispensable feature of the particular repression of these peoples – group, ethnic and national – and a way of manipulating and slashing these neighborhoods off from the rest of humanity and of actually isolating the blue collar workers (Marshall NP).Recent reports directs to what is called hyper – segregation of African Americana within the country’s major industrial metropolises namely Houston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Newark, Philadelphia, New York, and Chicago, metropolises in which the organizational problems and prolonged and generational re dundancy have been deeply felt. Hyper – segregation encompasses the topographical, political, fiscal and social segregation of â€Å"`the aforementioned neighborhoods. It exposes that racial discrimination aimed at the African Americans has a exceptional feature and has arrive at a contemporary and unparalleled phase (Marshall NP).Economic racial discrimination is also associated with the issues of metropolises, where the most neighborhoods are situated. As central industries set out, services are permitted to deteriorate, lanes disintegrate, bridges collapse. Here, the drug use and abuse goes on increasingly, mortality rates sky rocket levels much higher those in the less developed countries, and illnesses such as tuberculosis and AIDS are almost uncontrollable. Here the neighborhoods are in a virtual situation of obstruction as racist law enforcers, under the excuse of combating drugs, threaten and coerce.Here, people of color particularly the younger ones are regularly cu rved up in speed, and have crammed the country’s penitentiary and detention centers almost to a spill over, African American adolescents amounting to approximately 35%, either in detention centers or subjected to the jurisdiction of the criminal justice organization (Marshall NP). Nationality, sex and background in the business realm must not be a problem. Instead, working well in a diversified environment must be everyone’s aim (Ishimaru NP). Varied sets of skills are in tall order particularly in the American offices these days.But then again, a certain race in itself cannot possibly make it all happen. At this point, diversity fulfills its real essence. Various people from every civilization must share and value each other’s outlooks and beliefs to be able to come off a solution to a crisis and ultimately cause success not just for themselves but for the team they work with (qtd. in Ishimaru NP). Every industry should aspire to diversify. Certainly, it is the proper way to go. Diversity in the business world makes a good logical in itself. It requires thoughtfulness, visualization and commitment to be momentous.Furthermore, it commands eagerness to scrutinize the conventional way of handling business and what is prized in its employees (Ishimaru NP). To be able to produce advancement as far as diversity in the business world is concerned, it is vital to re-evaluate one’s principles and be able to communicative what merit is really about. As people keep on diversifying even more, elevating workers who displayed an ability to diversify to communicate well with his co – employees setting apart aside social discrimination must be highlighted (Ishimaru NP).Studies confirm that operating in a diversified setting is associated with more important associations. Moreover, more friendships between different races are also created in this place. â€Å"The ethnically varied neighborhood is also a model of a diversified surrounding (E stlund 10). There are reasons to trust that the distinctly augmented occurrence of reported friendship between people from diverse backgrounds is founded chiefly from improved relations and incorporation in the business realm. Yet in the greater scheme of things, it is more than a friendship tale.It also speaks of the common but spread out implication of connectedness that shell out of the daily cooperation, informal sociability, mutual welfare, whines, achievements and frustrations among co – workers. All the same, their positive feature is suggested by the occurrence with which they are able to establish real friendship that transcends social discrimination. Racial conflict and segregation is still alive and well. Even so, they were definitely narrowed and combined with thoughts of harmony, respect, friendship and resemblance (Estlund 11).In point of fact, it is only in the business realm where a more lasting and mutual interaction is possible. It is the only place where on e can actually see it happen. Every person must search for to be able to team up with their co – workers in any place and time. This type of team up must be made amongst people of diverse roots, ethnic set and gender. Diversity in the business realm, affairs and association that go beyond social discrimination can be counted on to bring about heightened approval and empathy. Besides, it can perhaps form less hostility and typecasting amongst diverse roots, ethnic set and custom (Estlund 12).African – American middle school learners are sensitive regarding the issue of racial discrimination and are willing to voice out their thoughts about the topic at hand. Thoughts of injustice and prejudice associated to race will take place specifically in a teacher relationship, which is made difficult by problems of command and influence (Melvin 37). The condition of the increasing population of pupils from ethnic minorities in public institutions and the majority of white instruc tors in the public institutions is a crisis.White instructors need to rethink the crisis of the failure of various pupils from ethnic minorities in the institutions. Instructors nowadays hardly ever display explicit racial discrimination, but may unintentionally act discriminatorily in concealed and understated ways. As a result of placing the burden of achievement in institution completely upon a pupil from an ethnic minority, the instructor does not reflect on his role in creating the institution a positive learning ground.The floor is certainly amassed against people from ethnic minorities and instructors in an undersized way have the capability to offset the effects of racial discrimination. Definitely, there are a lot of other aspects that be part of the cause of a pupil success like a supportive family. Still, white instructors lean to classify these aspects with the consequence of holding responsible the victim and omitting the reality that the true rival is institutional rac ial discrimination.White instructors must to be not as much concerned about being branded racially prejudiced and be less troubled with contesting such accusations whenever they are expressed by pupils. Rather, instructors should to observe how their own actions, both with respect to their dealings with pupils and their selections of classroom matter to guarantee that they are doing everything feasible to assist pupils from ethnic minorities to succeed (Melvin 39). The asset of the United States as a country has been rooted in its ability to distinguish and nurture its diversity.Its blend of diversity has been a collage of expressions and outlooks that collaborated to clothe the country to be unified, in a never ending quest for life, liberation and sovereignty for all. While there will always be disagreements on the ways and measures that gets in the way of success, may all rise up every single day, and safeguard the nation’s ability to expressive what it deems as its absolu te right to be heard exercising its people’s freedom of speech (Jones NP). Hope should remain. Hope in the odd that living in an ethnically diversified world is feasible.More than being an odd, it is the kind of life everyone else must work hard to achieve. A life that is lived in accord between people regardless of native roots is an ideal kind of life. It is certainly a kind of life that transforms and surpasses boundaries formerly defined, aimed for the betterment of all (Racebridges. net NP). As we close the chapter on one heritage recognition to bridge the pages to the next, may everyone else never forget that the United States was molded on the hard labors of its immigrant populace.Having come from the Plymouth Rock, or from the weight of servitude, the force has been established and set free of the control of racial discrimination (Jones NP). For everyone to gaze further at the road that lie ahead, it is necessary to set sights on the rear view mirror to keep certain t hat alarming signs of the threats that lies further on are not overlooked. It is important to study, assess and commemorate history, or be condemned in recurring failures habitually. The past should be the handbook and experience must be the lead. It is there to serve as a reflection of the path yet to be (Jones NP).Ethic and socio – economic condition are amid the most well-known kind of inter – class affairs that mirrors kinds of social discrimination in the country. Whenever social discrimination is present, prejudice is a crucial feature of inter – class affairs. Prejudice can function to underpin the representational borders that divide ethnic class from one and the other (MacArthur & MacArthur NP). Racial discrimination is as relevant a subject matter at present as it was two decades ago (Miles168). Quite the opposite of other age group the world today is typically more and varied, mobile and integrated than it has ever been.These days, people find themsel ves living in a world with not only complete strangers, rather quite particularly exceptional individuals (Estlund 20). In our day than ever before, it is critical that all people take a firm position against racial discrimination. Everyone must stay alert and prepared to battle it out in opposition to those who longs to segregate and demoralize societies on grounds of race, background, ethnic group, faith or principles. A hate – provoked offense against members of a specific race is still an assault all of humanity. We are constantly challenged by racial discrimination in every aspect of society.Countless marginal neighborhoods are still subjected to different faces of racial discrimination and racist brutality. For most neighborhoods, the racist danger has augmented. There is a need for efficient and impartial actions to deal with all forms of racial discrimination. The governmental structure counter racism or hostility have not yet stood firmly on its ground, in some parts of the country still needs execution. There is a need to enforce it successfully and noticeably. Victims must recognize that their encounters of racial discrimination will be critically dealt with by powers that be.Perpetrators of the crimes must be made aware that their deeds will not be allowed by the world. For one, the possibility of creating deep and multi –thread ties grounded on resemblance is nothing sort of usual. On the contrary, the possibility of creating ties that surpasses social discrimination thrives. However, establishing such kind of ties that surpasses social discrimination is not quite simple. By not counting on the help of a certain amount of force, this type of ties is unfeasible. All the same when it carried out, it is perhaps more lean and more awkward that the type of ties grounded on resemblance (Estlund 20).To all intents and purposes, these ties can foster trust. It can generate a sense of togetherness, harmony for a reason. Ultimately, compounded with the development towards objectivity and integration in the office and beyond, trust could be encouraged as well (Estlund 20). In spite of everything, no one person can possibly live solely by himself. It is man’s basic nature that requires him to establish and interconnection with his neighbors. The world exists to blend diverse civilization. This is just but one of the certainties in this world.Instead of isolating oneself from his neighbors whom he perceives to be unlike himself, may everyone else simply learn to love and embrace his own as well as his neighbor’s individuality. The diversity in this world is worth more than its simple meaning. It exists to be a living reminder of the real essence of man’s uniqueness. It is there to impart the lesson to all ears that need to hear that differences in all intents and purposes are the common ground where people of all races and places can meet half way. And all else is better taken a step further from there. Firm rebuff of the racist philosophy is necessary for everyone.Impartiality, non – existence of prejudice and deference for the human civil liberties of all are frequent threads in our culture, which highlight the battle in opposition to racism. They are an essential part of one’s commitment to his neighbors. It is not simply a subject for institutional action. There is a demand to remain united in the battle in opposition to racism and succeed. It is a form of corruption to the future and a renouncement to the common codes of conduct if with consent the racist is permitted to develop a scheme wherein the people’s actions are deemed to be normal.