Thursday, October 17, 2019

MGT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

MGT - Essay Example When workers are happy, they enjoy their work and this is more preferable than using other systems to improve productivity. This paper will provide evidence that happy or satisfied workers are more productive in the workplaces. Ropella highlights that there are factors that influence and contribute to employee satisfaction. The first factor is the work environment and it is concerned with the internal working environment of the employees. This environment entails feelings and attitudes on their colleague employees and the job itself. It is important for the employees to feel included in the larger organizational team to enhance productivity. The second factor is the ability to achieve the desired organizational objectives and it is concerned with the determination of the employee’s capacity and potential to achieve the set goals in their work. The other factor is the rewards and compensation for work done by the employees. Recognition for a good job done creates a feeling of happiness and motivation towards productivity. Business knowledge is another factor and it is concerned with the necessity of informing the employees on how the business works and on the finances of the organization. When employ ees are aware of the operations of the business, it enhances their productivity. The last factor is client relations and it is concerned with good relationships between customers and the employees. When the relations are favorable, employees are motivated to perform better. Furthermore, Kjerulf highlights various reasons why satisfied or happy workers at the workplace are more productive. The first reason is that happy workers work better with others in the workplace to enhance productivity. In this case, when employees are happy, they are more fun to work with other people hence improving working relations, which translate to higher productivity. The second reason is that workers satisfaction enhances creativity at work. Happy workers are able to generate

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